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Coronavirus Stops Entertainment World | Business, finance and technology


NEW YORK (AP) Entertainment industry on Thursday prepared for an unprecedented halt to curb the spread of the coronavirus, canceling upcoming movies, suspending all Broadway performances and scuttling concert tours until That it is safe to welcome the crowds.

To respond to calls for social distancing, Hollywood has decided to suspend the normal hum of television productions and the hustle and bustle of film premieres on the red carpet. After New York Governor Andrew Cuomo banned rallies of more than 500 people, Broadway cinemas announced that they would close immediately and remain dark until April 12. The Tribeca Film Festival has also been canceled.

The closings represent an almost complete shutdown of the industry, from Lincoln Center to Disneyland, and the large-scale shutdown of many of the country's major cultural arteries.

The Lincoln Center Metropolitan Opera, the New York Philharmonic, Carnegie Hall, the Apollo Theater and the Kennedy Center in Washington have all canceled events until March 31. Live Nation Entertainment and AEG Presents, the world's largest live entertainment companies, have suspended all touring. until March, including those of Billie Eilish, The Strokes and Post Malone.

Earlier Thursday, California called for a ban on not only the most important events, but also gatherings of more than 250 people to prevent the spread of the virus. California governor Gavin Newsom has recommended the cancellation or postponement of rallies of 250 or more people until at least the end of the month. This put new emphasis on Broadway, multiplexes and concert halls.

Disneyland planned to close on Saturday for the rest of the month.

Hollywood was still planning to release several new movies in theaters starting Thursday evening. The largest North American channels, AMC and Regal, did not respond to emails. Cinemas have already been closed in China, India, Italy, Poland, Greece and other countries.

But they will soon run out of movies to play. The postponements have erased much of the release schedule for the upcoming film.

The Walt Disney Co. has wiped out its next list, including Mulan, "New Mutants and Antlers. Universal Pictures said the Fast and Furious movie titled F9 would not open on May 22 as scheduled but in April of 39. next year. John Krasinski, writer and director of A Quiet Place 2 ", has announced that his Paramount Pictures film will not open next week as scheduled but will be postponed to another date.

One of the things I'm most proud of is that people have said that our film is a film that you have to watch together, said Krasinski in a post on social media. Well, due to the constantly changing circumstances of what is happening in the world around us, this is clearly not the right time to do it.

Across Hollywood, the usual machinations of show business, from auditions to rehearsals, stop. The Apple Morning Show was one of many productions paused. Central Casting has closed its offices. The TCM Classic Film festival, slated for next month in Los Angeles, has been canceled. Top talented agents have closed their offices and sent agents home to work.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has postponed its annual induction ceremony, scheduled for May 2 in Cleveland. It was to be broadcast live for the first time by HBO. Posthumously inducted Whitney Houston and Notorious B.I.G. were in the spotlight, with Depeche Mode, the Doobie Brothers, Nine Inch Nails and T. Rex. The award for best music in Canada, the June Awards, was also canceled as a precaution.

The announcement Wednesday night that Tom Hanks and his wife, Rita Wilson, had tested positive for the coronavirus made the industry shudder. Hanks was by far the most famous person to have publicly announced that he had the virus. He was in Australia to shoot a biopic of Elvis Presley which, according to Warner Bros, would stop production.

Not much more than a day-to-day approach, right? Hanks said of their condition.

Thursday, "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" and The Late Show With James Corden joined other late-night talk shows to announce that they would be recording without an audience. This follows similar decisions from The Late Show With Stephen Colbert from CBS, NBCs Tonight Show and Late Night With Seth Meyers, Comedy Centrals The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, HBOs Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and TBS Full Frontal with Samantha Bee .

CBS also said that production of the next season of Survivor has been postponed. Peril! and Wheel of Fortune also discontinued recordings with the public.

For most people, coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially the elderly and people with existing health problems, this can cause more serious illnesses, including pneumonia. The vast majority of people recover within a few weeks.

On Thursday, 38 people died in the United States, while more than 1,300 people tested positive for the virus. Tolls have been higher elsewhere. In Italy, where more than 15,000 people tested positive and more than 1,000 people died, all stores, except pharmacies and food markets, were closed.

Associated Press editors David Bauder in New York, Lindsey Bahr in Los Angeles and Rob Gillies in Toronto contributed to this report.

Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, disseminated, rewritten or redistributed without authorization.

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