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Union's 'Unexplored Territory' as Broadway Gets Dark – Deadline


Actors's Equity, the union representing actors and managers, told members today that the month-long shutdown on Broadway was unexplored territory and that discussions with employers over wages and contracts work was in progress.

"With today's news regarding Broadway theaters and beyond darkness, we have entered unknown territory," Equity wrote in a series of seven tweets (read it below). "We know this is an uncomfortable place if you are a member of Equity, and we hear you loud and clear. One of the most asked questions is" will I be paid? " "

Fairness, for the moment, does not offer a firm or complete answer to this question. "We have had constant conversations with employers over the past few weeks on your behalf regarding your employment contract, ”the union told its members. "These conversations will continue and we will keep you posted as soon as we know more."

Equity represents more than 51,000 professional players and managers across the country.

Earlier in the day, following the announcement by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo that all Broadway productions will go dark until April 13 due to coronavirus problems, the director general of Equity, Mary McColl, issued a statement calling the decision "an important decision to protect the health and safety of all those who work in the theater. "

The closure decision, said McColl in the release, "means enormous uncertainty for thousands of people working in the arts, including the prospect of loss of income, health insurance and 39; retirement savings. Equity will use all of our options to defend all of our members and is committed to all levels to ensure that members are protected and paid. "

Earlier this week, Equity urged Congress to extend temporary paid holidays and unemployment benefits to theater workers affected by closings in California, Washington State and Washington D.C.

McColl's statement released earlier today reads:

Governor Cuomo has made an important decision to protect the health and safety of everyone who works in the theater. Equity members are dedicated professionals who earn their health care and pensions one work week at a time. Today's decision means enormous uncertainty for thousands of people working in the arts, including the prospect of loss of income, health insurance, and insurance. retirement savings.

Equity will use all of our options to defend all of our members and is committed to all levels to ensure that members are protected and paid. Now is the time for Congress and local governments to put workers first to ensure that everyone working in the arts and entertainment sector has access to paid leave, health care and benefits. unemployment. Payroll tax cuts will not help those whose theaters are now dark. For every middle class actor you see on stage, there are dozens of other workers behind the scenes and on an administrative level.

The decisions made now will impact many arts organizations and the communities they serve for months. It is essential to support our entertainment industry and the workers who feed it. We must act, and quickly now, not only to protect public health, but also through funding of the arts at all levels which guarantees local arts employers the resources they need to quickly recover and reopen. This will allow the arts to continue to generate an economic halo effect in New York.

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