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Kokomo man impresses American Idol judges | New


Mosean Wilson stepped on the American Idol auditions with a Casio keyboard on his shoulder and sat down. Celebrity judge Lionel Richie joked that he could finally see Wilsons face.

At first, I thought you were a chef at Casio, he said.

Once Wilson started singing his original song, Slip Away, the jovial atmosphere quickly became serious. Richie and fellow judges, Katy Perry and Luke Bryan, nodded for the synthetic and jazzy tunes.

Don't you know that I lowered my head and cried, he sang. Because I know your love is gone.

Wilson, originally from Springfield, Illinois and recent Kokomo transplant, wowed the judges of the ABC television show, American Idol. The show of the musical talent contest takes place every week at 8 p.m. Sundays and Mondays.

In a telephone interview on Thursday, the singer-songwriter said the hearing was surreal, feeling a mix of nerves and being struck by judges and other talents.

Before playing, he talked a little bit about his life to the judges. Wilson's life was difficult as an only child with a father struggling with mental illness.

It was difficult, he said during the hearing. I was an only child, so no one really showed me too much or anything. My dad ran around the streets and died last year from a drug overdose.

Despite the hardships Wilson faced, his outlook for difficult times was positive.

It has sometimes been a rocky road but that's what you make of it, he said. The Lord will not put anything on you that you cannot bear. It is something I believe.

Richie praised the Springfield, Illinois native for his tenacity.

Few people have this kind of experience and show up on American Idol, which means you've fought up to this point here, he said.

After Wilson's performance, the judges were moved. Bryan said Wilson was what he was and he did it perfectly. In the end, all the judges were moved to tears.

To make the three judges cry is love, he said. It was wonderful.

Wilson said that he sang all his life, his mother presenting the instruments to him at the age of 2 or 3 years old. Wilson now plays the keyboard, saxophone, bass saxophone, trumpet and bass guitar.

His signature came from listening to older music, especially soul music.

Tyrone Davis, Johnny Taylor, BB King, he said. I have always been in myself, since I was 2 or 3 years old … I grew up singing in church, all my loved ones were always in music. Music has helped with all types of emotions, it can be so special, he said.

Wilson said he had already filmed part of the American Idol season and is waiting to know if he will return. He said he didn't know when hell would get the news. In the meantime, Wilson is working on finding more ways to make music.

At the hearing, Perry told him that he deserved to be supported.

You have an amazing voice and I'm really moved, said Perry. I don't think you've ever had people who want to invest in you like we want to invest in you.

Wilson said he wanted to give young men growing up in similar situations the assurance that they were strong and worthy of support as well.

Keep your head up and have faith in God, he said. Never back down. Everyone has dreams and those dreams can be pursued. God has a plan for everyone.

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