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10 best musician beginners of all time


Some musicians are not limited to their vocal skills and appreciate their chance to play in a film. While some began their careers as singers and moved on to comedy, others balance the two and occasionally play in a film. This list examines some of the biggest names in the music industry who made their screen debut successfully.

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Names like Will Smith, Cher and Ice Cube have made a name for themselves in the music world and in Hollywood. With that, here are 10 musicians who made stellar beginnings on silver.

ten Harry Styles

The One Direction became a solo artist made his debut on the big screen not so long ago. His performance in Christopher Nolan Dunkirk has received nothing but praise and adoration from fans and critics alike. Styles swapped his colorful clothes for a British World War II soldier's uniform, covering his tattoos and applying hair gel. The singer continued to make guest appearances for SNL as host and musical guest, some calling him the upcoming Justin Timberlake and Donald Glover.

9 Lady Gaga

As one of the biggest names in pop, fans counted the days before Lady Gaga made her Hollywood debut. She did not disappoint, grabbing a role in Machete killed. Despite the stars of Danny Trejo and Mel Gibson, the pop star managed to land a role in this action-comedy film.

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Although this is a departure from his most famous role inA star is born, he is probably his best ally. It is a bloody and artistic aesthetic to which the singer is no stranger, a blank canvas with a myriad of colors waiting to be painted.

8 Beyonce

Beyonce is one of the most famous singers of the 21st century, with a powerful and even better personality. But did you know that she had a role in a Austin Power & # 39; s movie? That's right, the pop singer played alongside Mike Myers and kept him groovy, baby. She may be a little difficult to recognize given the afro wardrobe and the 70s, but hardcore fans will know her in a moment.

seven Mark wahlberg

Marky Mark is an actor raised in Boston, all thanks to his brother Donnie. But, before his rise to Hollywood stardom, he performed in underwear on stage as a rapper. His first role was rather small in 1994 Renaissance man.

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But it’s this small role that would land him a future like Boogie nights who would officially launch his career. That's not all, but be sure to watch Marky's Mark training videos from the 90s. They're hilarious, but we won't spoil them for you.

6 Expensive

Despite her 73 years, Cher's acting and music career continues, age being the least of her worries. Regarding the theater, it all started in 1967 The Man of U.N.C.L.E as a model named Ramona. This minor role, like that of Mark Wahlberg, would be a springboard to further success in films like Mask and Burlesque. More recently, Cher played in the sequel to Mamma Mia alongside Amanda Seyfried.

5 Madonna

Madonna reached the peak of her success with "Like a Virgin" and followed her debut as an actor in what would later become known as one of her most iconic roles. Despite his recent departure from the actor scene, his music and remains influential.

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The singer played in Desperately seeking Susan and would continue her Hollywood career from there, making appearances in other films as well as several appearances in shows like SNL. Fun fact, she even makes an appearance in a James Bond filmDie another day.

4 LL Cool J

As one of the most successful rappers in music history, LL Cool J has released thirteen albums and won two Grammy Awards. His musical career alone deserves praise, but his acting career is just as good. After his musical success in 1984, LL Cool J made his Hollywood debut in 1896 alongside Wesley Snipes in Wild cats. Even better, LL Cool J also appeared on television, with NCIS: Los Angeles. Rapper Ice T would follow suit.

3 Ice Cube

Ice Cube, as a member of the NWA, is one of the most influential names in rap music. His work as both an actor and a rapper would inspire others like Will Smith to pursue a similar career.

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His first role was in the 1992 hit Boyz n the hoodand would play later in the Friday and Hairdresser series. Ice Cube has recently appeared in series like Longer with Kevin Hart, as well as the reboot of the 21 Jump Street series with Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill.

2 Justin Timberlake

Oddly enough, the first actor role of Justin Timberlake landed was a voiceover role on Disney & # 39; s The Mickey Mouse Club. Yes, the singer of Sexy Back made her debut on the big screen in a children's show. However, he would play alongside regular actors rather than Mickey Mouse later in his career in films like The social network, Bad teacher, and Problems with the curve.

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Justin Timberlake, along with many other actors and actresses, remains an icon, someone who has had great success in the world of music and film. His acting career is just as good too.

1 Will smith

Arguably the most successful actor / artist on this list, Will Smith has one of the most recognizable voices of rap and faces in Hollywood movies. His role in Prince of Bell Fresh Air and Men in black made him an icon from the start. His first role on Fresh prince was an instant hit and set it up for future roles in movies like Bad Boys and Independence Day, who have been just as successful, if not more so.

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