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Bollywood needs to pull up its socks: Varun Dhawan | Hindi Movie News

Bollywood needs to pull up its socks: Varun Dhawan |  Hindi Movie News


The Hindi film industry needs to analyze and reconsider the type of content it offers, says actor Varun Dhawan, who believes theater business across the world has been hit by the pandemic.

As of 2022, only three Hindi films – “Gangubai Kathiawadi”, “The Kashmir Files” and “Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2” – have become commercial successes, while SS Rajamouli’s Telugu epic “RRR”, Kannada actor “KGF Chapter 2” and Allu Arjun’s Telugu film “Pushpa” set new box office records in North India.

Varun said filmmakers need to reconnect with audiences, who are now spoiled for choice thanks to digital platforms and pan-India theatrical releases.

“We just went through a pandemic. So you see movies that were made years ago. These aren’t movies that started now. But our filmmakers, does our industry need to pull up their socks? Yeah, we absolutely have to do this,” the actor said in an interview.

The 35-year-old actor believes the theater industry across the world has taken a hit during the pandemic.

“The movie industry in general also needs to pull up its socks. The number of flops that Hollywood has given, if you count the number, it’s huge. The number of movies that have gone bad in the South… (s please) count.

“Our industry has been affected. Going to the cinema is public outing, which has also been affected. That habit has been affected. We’re re-establishing that connection now. Can we make better films? Of course we are,” he said. -he adds.

Varun, known for his blockbusters like “Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania”, “Badrinath Ki Dulhania”, “Judwaa 2” and “ABCD 2”, said the current situation demands more creative collaborations between talents from different parts of the country.

“I think we need to start investing in new talent: writers, directors, producers and actors. We need to start looking at the pan-India talent pool. I want to work with a director from Bengal, Kerala, talent from everywhere and tell a story because it’s possible now”.

The consecutive success of South Indian films has made ‘pan-India’ a buzzword in the industry, but the actor says that with OTT platforms, viewership is not limited to borders national.

“Right now with the advent of streaming, it’s not limited to all of India but across the world. When I was filming for ‘Bawaal’ in Germany, I was amazed at how many people came up to me and talked about my films, including ‘Sui Dhaaga’… The world is becoming a smaller place,” he said.

“Jugjugg Jeeyo,” directed by Raj Mehta, is set to be released on June 24. Backed by filmmaker Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, the film also stars Kiara Advani, Anil Kapoor, Neetu Kapoor and Maniesh Paul, among others.




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