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Cosmos-Maya to adapt Bollywood Blockbuster Dabangg


Animation studio based in India and Singapore, Cosmos-Maya, signed an agreement with Arbaaz Khan Productions to adapt its Bollywood blockbuster Dabangg franchise in an animated series. Intended for children and families, season 1 will be produced this year and season 2 will go into production in 2021.

In a first animation adaptation of the genre of a Bollywood franchise, the main actor will embody his adult character rather than being transformed into a child avatar. The three films of Dabangg The franchise has grossed over INR 7 billion worldwide, making it one of the most successful Bollywood franchises of all time. The films feature popular celebrity, Salman Khan.

The series tells the daily life of police officer Chulbul Pandey (played by Salman Khan in the movies), who stands in the face of evil to keep the city safe. Fighting evil is hard work, but whatever the situation, Chulbul always has time to lighten the mood with its jokes, limericks and liners. He is joined by his younger brother Makkhi (played by Arbaaz Khan in the movies) who, new to the police, continues to try to imitate his older brother.

The show will feature animated avatars of all characters from the franchise, including the three antagonists Chhedi Singh, Bachcha Bhaiya and Baali, Rajjo (played by Sonakshi Sinha in the movies), Prajapati Ji (played by the late Vinod Khanna in the movies) and the guy from BhaiyaJi Ismile.

Dabanggs’ biggest USP is that it is complete family entertainment and therefore the next logical step to further develop the franchise was to enter the entertainment space, noted Arbaaz Khan. The medium offers unrivaled creative freedom with storytelling, and we can focus on shorter stand-alone stories instead of longer linear stories. The character of Chulbuls is larger than life and in the animation, his adventures will be presented like never before. We are very happy to work with Cosmos-Maya on this glorious franchise which has conquered millions of people. The union was organic in the sense that the franchise and the studio both captured the pulse of the Indian masses with entertaining tales at the base and relatable tales. Exciting times await us.

We are thrilled to partner with Arbaaz Khan Productions in this historic fusion of Bollywood and animation, said Anish Mehta, CEO of Cosmos-Maya. As an industry pioneer, Cosmos-Maya, for the very first time, brings a big Bollywood franchise to animation with the adult protagonist represented as an adult. With more and more content viewing platforms turning to animation, a medium that can perfectly adapt to all narrative formats, people of all ages are increasingly accepting the medium that is traditionally associated with viewing children. With a quality of animation never seen before and a responsible narration inspired by Bollywood, we will strive to extend the reach of this emblematic brand so that more children, adolescents and families are engaged and entertained.

Source: Cosmos-Maya

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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