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This actor ‘Fleabag’ almost played one of the main roles of ‘Killing Eve’



Phoebe Waller-Bridges Flea bag is really great TV. Not only does he embody Waller-Bridge as the main character, but she also wrote and created it. The show really immersed in a female character that television doesn’t often show; She is messy and has no idea how to deal with her chaos. Without forgetting, the rupture of the fourth wall is another endearing and hilarious aspect.

Since Killing Eve is so different from Flea bag, it could be a surprise that Waller-Bridge created and was the showrunner for the first season of the murderer / spy thriller. But the various spots of the black comedy reveal it definitively. And while Waller-Bridge isn’t on the screen, it almost was.

Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer and Phoebe Waller-Bridge at Cannes in 2018.
Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer and Phoebe Waller-Bridge at the screening of “Killing Eve” and “When Heroes Fly” at the 1st Cannes International Festival on April 8, 2018 | Dominique Charriau / WireImage

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Phoebe Waller-Bridge was the showrunner of season 1 for Killing Eve

Killing Eve is based on the Villanelle new series by Luke Jennings. There are, of course, key differences between the two works, but the main characters are the same. And Waller-bridge was a major take for the series, as Sarah Barnett, president and CEO of BBC America, told Variety in 2018.

And while Flea bag and Killing Eve are so different, Waller-Bridge was, of course, able to make it work and make it work well.

My instinct is the more serious the scene, the more I need to minimize it, Waller-Bridge told Variety. The element of surprise is the most important thing and what interests me about writing. I can feel it if I wrote this predictable or boring line, and I will take it with me all day.

During the development of the series, she almost wrote a part for herself, but she was not suitable

Obviously, Waller-Bridge is outwardly known for its role in Flea bag, But Killing Eve didn’t seem to have an adjustment for her as an actor. In close-up with the Hollywood Reporter comedy actress roundtable in 2019, Waller-Bridge explained why she did not write a part for herself.

I guess by acting Killing Evevery early on, it didn’t seem right to me. And I don’t really know why. I just felt like, I’m not there, I can’t see it, she said. And then we had conversations with the producers and I sort of spent about 15 minutes trying to turn one of the characters into something I could play and the character was just going to, uh, I don’t want that you are near me.

Waller-Bridge said it seemed more organic to listen to that voice telling him that the character would not work. Which, of course, is very different from that of Fleabag, which came from the depths of the actor.

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The roles of Villanelle and Eve were to be Comer and Oh

And it wasn’t just any part she was going to write for Killing Eve. It seemed that at first she was going to play either Eve or Villanelle. But, again, it didn’t seem right. In addition, these characters had very distinct personalities who Waller-Bridge was to launch more in.

I just had a very strong instinct that there should be this age gap because I just felt like it was something I hadn’t seen. I’m not a 25-year-old Jodie Comer, I mean, let’s be frank, Waller-Bridge told Mirror UK last June. And I don’t know if I could have climbed a wall like she could have, and I’m not in my early 40s either.

So when it came to finding the perfect Eve Polastri, Sandra Oh had the necessary actor chops for the role and could handle the role. And for Villanelle, Jodie Comer entered with a girl next to anonymity and her game was up to par too. Three seasons later, these casting choices definitely hold.

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