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Guild of Editors Guild Cathy Repola discusses systemic racism in Hollywood and back-to-work protocols that are still in the works – Deadline



Just when you thought guidelines for a safe return to work in the film and television industry were in place and ready to be implemented, Cathy Repola, Executive Director of the Editors Guild, IATSE Local 700 said these protocols “are still in progress”. In a video message to its members today, she said: “We are still in talks with AMPTP and with IATSE and the guilds above the line to try to put in place standardized protocols that s ‘will apply at all levels. ” These discussions, she said to its members, “are ongoing, and by the time they are finished, you will certainly be among the first to know.

Watch her video message above.

On June 12, Hollywood unions released their detailed protocols for the safe resumption of film and television production – a joint effort of the DGA, SAG-AFTRA, IATSE and Teamsters. The 36-page report (see below) is designed to implement the more general guidelines set out in a white paper on reopening released June 1 by the Union-Management Security Committee task force on security. Like the White Paper, union protocols stress that testing and social distancing are the keys to reopening safely.

IATSE leaders recognize role of unions in perpetuating “systemic racism” in Legit theater and call for industry-wide action

But Repola told its members today that “if any of you are asked to report for work and you have heard nothing more from us regarding the establishment of protocols, you must contact guild staff immediately and assure you that we can help you navigate whatever the company tells you, and everything it says it will provide, to ensure the utmost concern for your health and of your security. “

Hollywood unions publish protocols to revive film and television production: joint effort of DGA, SAG-AFTRA, IATSE and Teamsters

Repola also spoke of “the current escalation of awareness in this country of the systemic racism that has plagued here for decades and that many of us have chosen to ignore or to bury our heads in the sand. I assure you, I don’t bury my head in the sand at all. In fact, even though I haven’t talked much about it publicly, I have talked a lot and done a lot of research and reading. I think as a union we can do better – we have to do better. I think it’s time for me to listen a lot, as opposed to maybe a lot of conversation. I want to understand what our black members experience in their work environment; how it feels to have a lack of diversity in their areas of work. I want to know what they think we can do as a union to improve all of this. “

His comments come a day after the IATSE’s international president, Matthew Loeb, and the union’s entire executive committee recognized the role of the union in preventing the overthrow of “systemic racism in the arts and entertainment industry Calling for industry-wide action and promising to do the “hard work” necessary to “create real and lasting change.”

Repola, noting that his local is already raising awareness in film schools and other organizations that bring newcomers from diverse backgrounds into the industry, promised that “we will increase this.” She also said that the local will organize seminars and training on racism, discrimination and unconscious bias, and “do absolutely everything we can as a union to help all of our members.”

“I think we need a collaborative solution,” she said. “I think we need a lot of dialogue. I think we have to show a lot of respect for the different points of view. I think we have to provide a lot of education; we have to listen to each other; we must come together to collectively make changes. It will never get better for our black members or other members who feel underrepresented, if we don’t come together, we elevate each other and do it as an organization that wholeheartedly embraces all of our differences and see the value we all add – not just to this union, but to the post-production community … as an industry; as a country. We can make a difference. I know we can. And I agree to work with you to this end. “

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