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Shop: BLACKPINK Dolls & Toy Collection, where to buy online at Target


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Fresh setting three Guinness world records With the release of their latest single and video clip, the K-pop group BLACKPINK is taking orders from stores with the release of its very first line of collectible toys.

Created in partnership with the consumer products company, Jazwares, BLACKPINK Collection includes 12 dolls (three for each member), as well as a light heart-shaped plush. The dolls each rock an iconic look from one of BLACKPINK’s most popular music videos, including “Kill This Love”, “DDU-DU DDU-DU”, “WHISTLE” and “BOOMBAYAH”.

blackpink doll target

Each member has three dolls created in their own image, based on memorable BLACKPINK music videos


BLACKPINK Collection, $ 4.99 +, available on

Inspired by the resemblances of Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa, the dolls all have unique outfits, hairstyles and accessories. Fans can purchase a special “Mystery Pop Star” set that includes a surprise doll wrapped in a microphone case. A “Mystery Superstars Assortment”, on the other hand, includes a three-inch doll of your choice in a heart-shaped case, as well as fashion accessories for the doll and a pearl bracelet for yourself. There are 12 different digits in total to collect.

blackpink doll target

“Mystery Pop Star” set with microphone case


BLACKPINK Micro Pop Stars Mystery Set, $ 4.99, available at Target

The last item in this initial collection is a heart-shaped plush, inspired by the light sticks used by BLINKS (the group’s official fandom) at BLACKPINK shows. Adorned with the group name on the front, the 10.5 inch x 12.5 inch heart lights up using touch and reacting to music and ambient sounds.

In a statement, the girls at BLACKPINK say they are “so impressed” by the level of detail on the dolls outfits, adding that it is “so precious to see our outfits from our previous clips being stylized on these dolls; we can already imagine them on our bed frames or on our drawers. “

Jazwares says he worked closely with the group to ensure that the dolls were “authentic” for each member’s individual style and personality. The limited edition is the first drop from Jazwares’ partnership with BLACKPINK (which was facilitated by global merchandising company Bravado). Fans can expect another drop in product later this summer, with items inspired by BLACKPINK’s first mini-album, Settle accounts.

pink black heart plush

BLACKPINK luminous plush


BLACKPINK Lighted Heart Plush, $ 14.99, available at Target

The new toy collection follows on from the K-pop group’s latest single, “How You Like That”, which broke YouTube viewing records with more than 86 million views within 24 hours of the video’s release. Guinness says the song now holds the record for most-watched YouTube video ever after only one day of release. The song is the first single from BLACKPINK’s first full album in Korean, which is expected to hit stores later this year.

As for dolls, the BLACKPINK Collection is available now on Prices range from $ 4.99 to $ 14.99. Buy the collection here.

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