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Bollywood News – Radhika Madan addresses the nepotism debate; says, “I auditioned for Student of the Year, but I won’t blame Dharma” [Exclusive]


With the heated debate over nepotism and the star children raging like a forest fire, it is imperative to hear all facets of the story and make informed decisions rather than just rushing blindfolded to take sides and be influenced by particular interests. In such a scenario, we, the media, play a very important and responsible role in helping those who are keenly interested in Bollywood news to draw fair and intelligent conclusions. Recently, BollywoodLife conducted an exclusive interview with Radhika Madan, where the actress succinctly rationalized her stance on nepotism in the film industry while revealing the films she had lost and how she ended up bagging those. ‘she had. Read also – Radhika Madan finally meets her mother after quarantine aka ’14 din ka vanvaas’

Opening on the endless debate between foreigners and star children in Bollywood, Radhika madan says, “Your job is just to ask for the hearing, that’s all. I literally went to the producers and asked them to let me audition. And that’s how I got roles, that’s how I got Pataakha, this is how I got Angrezi (Angrezi Medium). I literally went and said, “Can I audition? This is the most that foreigners can do. You have to stop spitting and start working on yourself. There is a situation, accept it and continue. Will this change? I do not know. In the meantime, can we just use this time by not complaining and working on ourselves. The problems have been resolved, yes. I don’t deny it, let’s not run away. I’m not saying not to address the problem, it has been resolved. Everyone is aware, all I’m saying is not to put all your energies into it, but rather to work on yourself. ” Read also – ‘Teri Laadki May, Radhika Madan publishes a comforting photo with the late Irrfan Khan

Speaking about what she did when there were no movies in her pussy, the actress added: “Mard has been sidelined for about a year and a half, what can I do ? I had nothing on my plate during this time, so I did not cradle during this time. Instead, I sat down and worked on myself. I thought to myself, “Yaar. Radhika, after that, you won’t get any time later, so how much you can learn now, learn. So I learned different trades. I started painting, I started watching movies that I hadn’t watched before, I continued my martial arts training, which helped me in the film (Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota ) because the film had suddenly started and there was not much time and then, fortunately, I had time to practice my martial arts. I learned so much; this is how you see it, what you have become a person. ” Read also – “Soaked with your love”, Sutapa, the wife of Irrfan Khan, and his son Babil remember him when the monsoons arrived

Revealing that she had lost a major film due to a fault other than hers, she said, “I auditioned for Dharma. I gave them the worst hearing of me because I was so scared. I auditioned for Student of the year, but I had a fever and I played and gave the worst audition of my life. So, I will not blame a Dharma for not throwing me away. It was my call, I had an opportunity, but I did not play and I identified myself. “

On a passing note, Radhika concluded: “We should all just work on the trade and plan to take the industry to the next level. There is no point in fighting. Just take it to the next level and that’s my goal. Just focus on your work and our industry should continue to grow. “

Well, it’s a proverbial stranger to Bollywood who puts the nepotism debate in its place. I hope our readers will learn something from what she said.

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