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How Christian Massa helps actors get into Bollywood

How Christian Massa helps actors get into Bollywood


Breaking into Hollywood is legendaryly difficult. There is a goal called “breaking into show business”. Most people try not to sneak into Hollywood, never achieving their goals.

Bollywood is much harder to break into. With rigorous requirements and a tight-knit production team, new talent can really feel overwhelmed by the prospect of breaking stereotypes and having the eye they need to show their worth.

Many recent young Bollywood stars turn to Christian Massa and his company PurpleMedia to help them get noticed and break into Bollywood.

Who is Christian Massa?

Christian Massa is an actor, filmmaker, entrepreneur and contributor for Entrepreneur Magazine. Well known for his performances on the Discovery Channel and his role as an assistant director on “My Suicide Story,” he says he has connections through the craft and understands it from many angles. He uses his business information to help others navigate and succeed.

He is an actor who understands the pitfalls of the profession. Determined to help others stay out of his struggles, he is now helping other actors rise to prominence and break into the industry.

His most recent company is PurpleMedia. PurpleMedia is focused on serving individuals in the entertainment industry to share their stories and gain attention. However, Christian has had success in a variety of industries, from musicians to entrepreneurs.

How Christian Helps

An actor’s management team, such as his supervisor or agent, and even himself if he’s still unrepresented, are always looking for ways to get his name known to the general public and directors. of casting. A great methodology for doing this is to use posts and stories.

With a knack for publishing and a popularity for helping individuals get into the business, he is usually contacted to help get actors’ names into high-quality publications. This led to relationships with Bollywood stars, musicians, entrepreneurs, etc.

Breaking into Bollywood

Bollywood is a huge business that is expected to be worth 260 billion rupees (3.3 billion USD) by 2024. New players need to break into Bollywood and could do so before Bollywood booms are able to drive the wave and to develop their reputation. exponentially.

Actresses like Bhumi Pednekar are rare diamonds. Working as a casting director for a very long time, Bhumi earned her big break by starring in a number one role in “Dum Laga Ke Haisha,” a task that won her the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut. Utilizing this success and a series of stories further educating people about his talent, Bhumi has been involved in profitable Bollywood productions, with many others in production and post-production.

Shirley Setia enjoyed great success in online publications, including Forbes magazine, where she was known as “Bollywood’s Next Big Singing Sensation”. She first starred in “Maska”, which launched on Netflix.

By leveraging online posts, actresses like Priyamvada Singh (who is also an author, motivational speaker, and character development coach) can increase their reach and land higher roles.

These are just a few of the Bollywood newcomers Massa claims to have had the privilege of working with.

spread the word

Through publications and online storytelling, aspiring actors can achieve higher roles and additional recognition for those roles.




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