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Who is Kendra Lust? Iconic porn star could follow Sunny Leone and Mia Malkova to Bollywood stardom

Who is Kendra Lust?  Iconic porn star could follow Sunny Leone and Mia Malkova to Bollywood stardom
Who is Kendra Lust?  Iconic porn star could follow Sunny Leone and Mia Malkova to Bollywood stardom


Pornstar Kendra Lust has raised her eyebrows after expressing interest in starring alongside Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan in the actor’s next big project ‘Don 3’. Lust, 43, is said to be a huge fan of the Bollywood actor and is eagerly awaiting the franchise’s third film since ‘Don 2: King Is Back’ was released.


It looks like the acclaimed adult actress could be following in the footsteps of former porn star Sunny Leone, who forged a new career in Bollywood and became an overnight sensation. It comes as Khan returns to the spotlight with not one but three new films in a single year in 2023. Along with the three announced films ‘Pathaan’, ‘Jawan’ and ‘Dunki’, director Farhan Akhtar is rumored to drop out. ‘Jee Le Zara’ and start working on ‘Don 3’ instead. There are also unverified claims that the original Don Amitabh Bachchan will reprise his role for the third installment of the hit series.


In 2020, world famous pornstar Mia Malkova starred in ‘Climax’ directed by Ram Gopal Verma.


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Mia Malkova: From flipping burgers to Bollywood actress, is the porn star following in Sunny Leone’s footsteps?

Lust, real name Michele Anne Mason, recently took to Twitter to express her love for Khan’s work and showed interest in starring in ‘Don 3’ alongside him. Hey, @ritesh_sid & @FarOutAkhtar…Let’s do #Don3 on public demand, I’m in,” she tweeted.


This came just days after the porn star also tweeted a fan-made poster starring her and Khan in her upcoming film ‘Jawan’. Always wanted #SRK in stylist action moviesWhat a teaserWaiting @Atlee_dir for that masterpiece ft. @iamsrk & #nayanthara…Have A Blast, Chief #Jawan,” Lust wrote.


Lust could very well follow in the footsteps of adult star Sunny Leone and forge her own career in Bollywood. Leone, real name Karenjit Kaur Vohra, has over 40 million Instagram followers and is now a major star in Mumbai’s Hindi film industry, often referred to as ‘Bollywood’, a portmanteau of ‘Hollywood’ and ‘Bombay’. “. She started her career as an adult entertainer before transitioning into roles in a variety of TV series, feature films and music videos which ultimately cemented her fame as a Bollywood actress. She made her debut in the Indian film industry with “Jism 2” and has come a long way in her new career. The 41-year-old star has amassed a net worth of $13 million after starring in a string of movies, commercials and reality shows.


Adult film actress Sunny Leone arrives at the 28th Annual Adult Video Awards show at the Palms Casino Resort on January 8, 2011 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

Who is Kendra Lust?

Kendra Lust is one of the most recognizable porn stars on the planet. The busty and shapely brunette beauty was born on September 18, 1978 in Madison Heights, Michigan. Of Italian and French-Canadian descent, Lust was a tomboy growing up and played both softball and basketball in high school. She supported her college tuition by working as a stripper for a year and a half.


Adult film actress Kendra Lust celebrates her birthday at Crazy Horse 3 Gentlemen’s Club on September 14, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Bryan Steffy/Getty Images)

Lust then worked as a registered nurse for several years before establishing herself in the adult film industry with her own webcam show. She started performing explicit hardcore films at the age of 33 in March 2012 and has since appeared in X-rated feature films for notable porn production houses such as Evil Angel, Jules Jordan Video, Pure Play Media and Overboard. Video. Lust is married to a police officer named Charles Cleve Mason Jr and the couple have a daughter.





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