First Friday at North Boulder Flea Market in Longmont – Boulder Daily Camera
week in art
Altona Barn Room will bring back its second summer Foods & Flea Market with food makers, artisan goods, and used and vintage items for sale; 3-7 p.m. Wednesday; 9386 N. 39th St., Longmont; email [email protected] or call 720-331-4477 for vendor information.
The Crowd Collective opens Whispers, a solo exhibition of 2D and 3D paintings in mixed media by Noelle Miller; 6-9pm Friday; 4939 N. Broadway #58, Boulder; thecrowdboulder.com.
NoBo first friday Celebrate local art, artisans and live performances in the North Boulder Arts District. Meet the brains behind the creativity as dancers, musicians and artists of all kinds join in the fun. The NoBo Summer Market starts at 4 p.m. and is followed by an evening of art and live music; 4-9 p.m. Friday, 4929 Broadway #E, Boulder; noboartdistrict.org.
Block area
15th Street Gallery Featuring works by Boston artist Nancy Simonds and Denver artist Tony Ortega; open by appointment only; 1708 15th St., Boulder; 303-447-2841; 15thstreetgalleryboulder.com
Anas Art Gallery Art from local, African and Caribbean artists; 12pm-5pm Tuesday to Sunday; 1100 Spruce Street, Boulder; anasartgallery.com
Art and soul gallery Beth Naumann’s hanging bangs; 10am-5pm Monday to Saturday, 11am-5pm Sunday; 1615 Pearl Street, Boulder; artandsoulboulder.com
Artistic pieces Nonprofit Center for Creative Reuse; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday and 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday; 3080 Valmont Street, Boulder; artpartsboulder.org
Art Source International Old maps, old prints and posters; 10am-6pm Monday to Saturday, 11am-6pm Sunday; 1237 Pearl Street, Boulder; artsourceinternational.com.
Black Lab Sports “Breakout”, by local painter Will Day, until August 16; 3550 Frontier Avenue, Suite D, Boulder; willdayart.com.
Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art “Grossly Affectionate”, seven artists defy binaries; “Deep End”, by Sofie Ramos, uses abandoned objects for stop-motion animations; both on display until September 5; “El movimiento sigue”, sculpture Los Seis de Boulder by Jasmine Baetz, until October 23; 11am-5pm Tuesday to Sunday; 1750 13th St., Boulder; 303-443-2122; bmoca.org.
BMoCA at Fraser “Shifts Over Time,” runs from Belgin Yucelen, through October 9; 11am-5pm Tuesday to Sunday; 350 Ponca Square, Boulder; bmoca.org.
Canyon Theater and Gallery Birds Eye View, a collaboration with OSMP and young artists capturing local birds, through July 31; “Mexicanixima”, handmade piatas by Maribel Arredondo, until July 9; 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday to Thursday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday to Saturday, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday; Main Library, 1001 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder; boulderlibrary.org/exhibitions.
The Center for Collective Community Arts“Ishin Denshin: Transmissions from the Heart,” Japanese Arts Network Shares the Unique Voices of Colorado Artists, Through July 31; 10am-5pm Tuesday to Saturday, closed Sunday to Monday; 201 N. Public Road, Lafayette; lafayetteco.gov.
Dairy Arts Center« INVISIBLE | hyperVISIBLE,” an examination of Asian stereotypes, through July 16; “Black History Month Snapshots,” digital illustrations from Marcus Murray’s collaborative drawing challenge, through September; “Interlocking Rhomboids,” woven sculpture by Jodi Stuart; “Outlandish Redux,” works by Natascha Seideneck; “Dark Side of the Moon,” mixed media sculpture by Autumn T. Thomas; “Project Worthmore,” a wheat paste mural by Erica Pasha; 2590 Walnut St., Boulder; 303-440-7826; thedairy.org.
East window and south east window “Two Spirit Lakota,” photography by Magdalena Wosinska, through July 28; “Disgust: Unhealthy Practices”, the South Gallery exhibition explores harmful actions, until June 28; open daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; South open by appointment; 4949 Broadway, Units 102-B and 102-C, Boulder; eastwindow.org.
Eldorado Springs Art Center Art gallery and sculpture garden in the foothills; 8 Chesebro Way, Eldorado Springs; 303-378-0454; eldoradospringsartcenter.com.
The gallery at the bus stop “Bird Song”, collective exhibition of three artists from the region, until July 30; 6 p.m.-9 p.m. on first Fridays, 12 p.m.-4 p.m. on Saturdays or by appointment; 4895 N. Broadway, Boulder; noboartdistrict.org.
HiFi Jones Studio & Gallery Jonathan Hanst’s pop culture art mashups made from salvaged vinyl and books; 4:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday or by appointment; 209 E. Simpson St., Lafayette; hifijones.com.
Louisville Arts Association “Everyday Beauty,” 2022 LAA Member-Themed Art Exhibit and Sale, through July 31, opening reception 4-7 p.m. July 8 at East Simpson Coffee Company, 414 Simpson E. St., Lafayette; 7am-5pm daily; louisvilleartassociation.org.
Mary Williams fine art “The Billy Moe Legacy Collection”, exhibition and sale of works of art; call for hours; 5311 Western Avenue, #112, Boulder, marywilliamsfinearts.com
Boulder Museum “Blue Line: Drawings Celebrating Life on the Boulder Foothills,” intricate pen-and-ink drawings by Vanee Srikijkarn, through August 2; “Racism and Discrimination at the Lafayette Pool,” looks at the struggle for Latinx civil rights in the 1930s, through Aug. 14; “Voces Vivas”, explores the county’s Latino heritage, until February 26; 9am-5pm daily, closed Tuesday; 2205 Broadway, Boulder; museumofboulder.org.
Naropa University Art Galleries Nalanda Campus, 6287 Arapahoe Ave. : Cube Gallery has local and international artists; Nalanda Gallery hosts guest artists and student exhibitions, Lounge Gallery operated by students. Arapahoe Campus, 2130 Arapahoe Ave. : Lincoln Gallery showcases local and regional artists. Paramita Campus, 3285 30th St.: Paramita Gallery features works in all media by regional artists; all open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday;
NoBo Art Center “NoBo Artist Reunion,” featuring works by Anne Gifford, Carol Kozlowski, Astrid Paustian, Marianne Weingroff, and Masumi Yoneyama; 6pm-9pm on Friday, 12pm-4pm on Saturday; 4929 Broadway, #E, Boulder; noboartdistrict.org/nobo-art-center.
Art Gallery“Student Art Show,” art in all mediums by gallery students, through August, opening reception during Art Night Out from 5-9 p.m. July 8; 12pm-4pm Monday to Thursday, 10am-4pm Friday to Sunday; 401 S. Public Road, Lafayette; particularsart.com
Phil Lewis Art “Bring it on Home” is the gallery’s first exhibition in two years and features a dozen local artists, including Boulder-based street artist SMiLE and Lyon-based multimedia visionary Android Jones; 2034 Pearl Street, Unit 102, Boulder; phillewisart.com
POPULAR! Gallery Open Studios pop-up art and gift gallery; 11am-7pm daily; 1421 Pearl Street; openstudios.org/pop-gallery
Gallery R “Sunrise/Sunset”, group broadcast, until July 10; 11am-9pm Tuesday to Saturday, 11am-6pm Sunday to Monday; 2027 Broadway, Boulder; 303-447-2841; rgallery.art
Rembrandt Court Indigenous, local and national art; call for hours; 1301 Spruce Street, Boulder; 303-301-2972; rembrandtyard.com
shark ink Renowned printmaking studio and gallery with over 160 national artist collaborations since 1976; 550 Blue Mountain Road, Lyon; 303-823-9190; sharksink.com
SmithKlein Gallery Works by Santa Fe artist David Rothermel on display through July 1; noon-5 p.m. daily; 1116 Pearl Street, Boulder; 303-444-7200; smithklein.com
UC Museum of Art “Hearing the Earth before the end of the world”, sound and light installation until July 16; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday to Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday; 1085 18th St., Boulder; cuartmuseum.colorado.edu
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History “Antarctica: more than meets the eye”, BioLounge; “Horses in the North American West”, Anthropology Hall; University of Colorado Henderson Building, 15th and Broadway, Boulder; colorado.edu
Longmont area
Fire Station Art Center“Patient Practice,” describes Rick Stoner’s recovery from illness, through July 10; “Inspirations and common points of the human condition”, portraits of the Longmont painter Ana Balzan, until July; 12pm-5pm Wednesday-Sunday; 667 Fourth Avenue, Longmont; firehouseart.org.
The big frame “All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go,” a juried exhibition featuring more than 100 works of art, through Aug. 6; 430 Main Street, Longmont; longmont.thegreatframeup.com.
Longmont Museum “Tipi to Tiny House: Hands-on Homebuilding,” a family exhibit that opened June 11 and runs through January 8; 9am-5pm Monday to Saturday, 1pm-5pm Sunday; 400 Quail Road, Longmont; longmontmuseum.org.
Osmosis Gallery “A Luminous Life”, new works by Karen Gillis Taylor; 10am-5pm Monday to Friday, 11am-5pm Saturday; 290 Second Avenue, Niwot; osmosisartgallery.com.
Walnut Gallery Features the work of over 50 artists in a wide range of media; 10am-4pm Wednesday to Sunday and open by appointment; 364 Main Street, Longmont; thewalnutgallery.com.
Northern Colorado
Estes Park Art Center “From The Creation: Natural Inspirations,” textile art by Mary Blanche Morse, through July 16; 11am-5pm daily; 517 Big Thompson Avenue, Estes Park; artcenterofestes.com
works “Tip of the Tongue”, drawings by Anne Feller; “Wrong Side of the Tracks”, a metal exhibit on the railroad; both until July 8-September. 24, opening reception 6-9pm July 8; 1 p.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday to Friday, 12 p.m.-4 p.m. Saturday; 310 N. Railroad Ave., Loveland; artworksloveland.org
Columbine Gallery More than 800 pieces from the National Sculpture Guild adorn a garden with local paintings on display inside; 11am-4pm Wednesday to Saturday; 2683 N. Taft Ave., Loveland; columbinegallery.com
Independence Gallery The gallery and framing shop feature works by local artists; 11am-6.30pm Monday-Thursday, 11am-8pm Friday, 11am-6pm Saturday, 11am-3pm Saturday; 233 E. 4th St., Loveland; independencegallery.com
Lincoln Gallery New works exhibited; gallery open from noon to 6 p.m. from Tuesday to Saturday; 429 Lincoln Ave, Loveland; 970-663-2407; lincolngallery.com
Lone Tree Antiques and Art Gallery The Summer Exhibit features 30 works by prominent artists who have captured Estes Park in art over the past 100 years, through July 29; 10am-5pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or by appointment; 115 1st St., Eaton; lonetreeantiques.com.
Loveland Museum “Audubons Quadrupeds”, the works of bird painter John James Audubon on four-legged mammals, until September 4; “History As Art: Cherry on Top,” Becky Hawley and Dion Weichers explore the cherry industry through July 10; “Pyrography-Painting with Heat”, works from nature by Julie Bender, until September 25; “Nurture: Bird Houses & Feeders as Sculpture,” group exhibition through October 26; “Under the Bird Feeder,” bird photography by Carla Rhodes, through October 16; 10am-5pm Tuesday to Friday, 10am-4pm Saturday; 503 N. Lincoln Ave., Loveland; lovelandmuseumgallery.org
Do we miss your show? Please email [email protected] with “art exhibit” in the subject line.
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