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How Disneyland will apply the mandatory mask rule when the park reopens – Orange County Register


Disneyland plans to deploy a team whose primary job will be to implement a new policy requiring visitors to wear protective masks and other COVID-19 health and safety protocols when the Anaheim theme park station reopens in following a prolonged closure of the coronavirus.

Mandatory mask policies became a lightning rod in American culture amid the COVID-19 pandemic, and the debate over masks also spread to Disneylanders.

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Some Disneyland fans are in favor of wearing masks if it helps protect themselves, other visitors and actors, the Disney language for employees.

If I wear a mask, use a hand sanitizer often, and check my temperature, I can be at Disneyland, so that’s what I do, said Lesli Eisler from Alberta, Canada, on Twitter.

Other fans have promised not to return to a Disney theme park as long as the mandatory mask policy remains in effect.

Masks and temperature scans are market disruptions for my family and I, said Francis, a commentator on a Disney Parks Blog article on Disneys’ health and safety protocols. Bad return when this unwarranted hysteria is over. Not before!

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Disneys Anaheim theme parks and hotels remain closed until further notice amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Downtown Disney outdoor mall is scheduled to reopen on July 9.

Disneylands mask policy will be supported by a state mandate. California governor Gavin Newsom has made a mandatory order requiring people to wear masks in public places when they cannot maintain proper social distancing.

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Disneyland employees are concerned about their own health and safety if visitors tire of wearing a mask all day or refuse to comply with the park’s mandatory face cover policy, union officials said.

United Food and Commercial Workers, Local 324, submitted a letter to Disney requesting that the company establish protocols to strengthen policy on masks for visitors and develop procedures to manage confrontations with furious visitors who refuse to wear masks.

We have been very clear that we will enforce our policy requiring actors and guests to wear face covers and our station leaders and security personnel will support actors on this front, said relations director. working group, Bill Pace, in a letter to the unions.

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Disney actors at Walt Disney World in Florida will answer visitors’ questions about new health and safety protocols at the Disney Springs outdoor mall. (Disney)

Disneyland plans to deploy a new customer experience team throughout the complex who will explain the new health and safety protocols, answer questions and encourage visitors to follow the rules.

The main job of the customer experience team will be to dialogue with customers and remind them to comply with all of our health and safety protocols, Pace said in the letter.

To help get the message out, Disney launched a new campaign featuring The Incredibles that encourages visitors to follow COVID-19’s health and safety guidelines. In a poster, the superhero fashion designer Edna Mode implores visitors to wear a mask: Cover up dahling. It’s not only elegant, it’s smart.

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ShopDisney also unveiled a range of protective masks with characters from Disney, Pixar, Marvel and Star Wars that will allow Disneyland visitors to add a little superhero, princess or intergalactic flair to their Disneybounding outfit. It remains to be seen whether the 24 new fabric face covers representing Mickey Mouse, Hulk, Baby Yoda and other characters will be available at the Disneyland Resort once the parks are reopened.

Disneyland plans to take a multi-pronged approach to reopening after a coronavirus shutdown for several months with a new set of COVID-19 health and safety protocols designed to make visiting the Disneys Anaheim theme parks safer.

New Disneyland COVID-19 health and safety protocols for visitors include:

  • Reduced capacity in the parks
  • Face cover required for visitors 2 years and older
  • Temperature control of visitors before entering the parks
  • Physical distance through parks
  • Increased cleaning and disinfection, especially in high traffic areas
  • Additional locations for hand washing and hand sanitizer
  • Contactless payments in shops and restaurants

Health and safety guidelines for Disney employees will include:

  • Face covers and temperature controls required
  • Adjust work practices to promote physical distance
  • Increased cleaning in work areas
  • Encouraged to stay home when sick

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