Neil Nitin Mukesh criticizes Bollywood for making remakes, not ‘original content’

Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh started his career with the most unlikely of successes. His first film Johnny Gaddaar was something of a dark thriller, set more in the world of James Headley Chase novels than Bollywood. In a recent interaction on the thriller genre, Neil criticized Bollywood filmmakers and writers for not focusing on original ideas and content, instead remaking films all the time. Read also : Abhishek Bachchan defends Bollywood remaking Southern movies
Early in his career, Neil worked extensively in the thriller genre with films like the sci-fi thriller Aa Dekhen Zara, Madhur Bhandarkars Jail and Sudhir Mishras Tera Kya Hoga Johnny. His main commercial success during this period was also a thriller, the 2009 film New York, which also starred John Abraham and Katrina Kaif.
Speaking to The Times of India, Neil spoke about Bollywood’s penchant for remakes and said: There are different subgenres, like psychological thrillers, political thrillers, horror thrillers, etc. Why don’t we explore them? We are always remaking films instead of coming up with original ideas and content. In Bollywood, we have original ideas, but I have the impression that we prefer to play it safe.
After doing small independent films for years, Neil found success in the Tamil film industry with the super hit Kaththi in 2014. His other big hits include Prem Ratan Dhan Payo and Saaho.
Neil also explained that an actor’s value is determined solely by commercial success, which is why he tries to strike a balance by doing all kinds of movies. I believe in showbiz I have to be a bit sensible and strike a balance. The truth is, not only in our industry, but also among the public, the general perception of an actor is based on their commercial success. Although I love being part of a movie like Prison, I will also do artists like Players and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, he said.
Neil was last seen in the 2019 film Bypass Road, which was not a commercial success. The same year, he had also appeared in a supporting role in the Prabhas-star Saaho. His upcoming releases include Ankush Bhatt Firrkie’s delayed film, which also stars Kay Kay Menon and Jackie Shroff, among others.
Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh started his career with the most unlikely of successes. His first film Johnny Gaddaar was something of a dark thriller, set more in the world of James Headley Chase novels than Bollywood. In a recent interaction on the thriller genre, Neil criticized Bollywood filmmakers and writers for not focusing on original ideas and content, instead remaking films all the time. Read also : Abhishek Bachchan defends Bollywood remaking Southern movies
Early in his career, Neil worked extensively in the thriller genre with films like the sci-fi thriller Aa Dekhen Zara, Madhur Bhandarkars Jail and Sudhir Mishras Tera Kya Hoga Johnny. His main commercial success during this period was also a thriller, the 2009 film New York, which also starred John Abraham and Katrina Kaif.
Speaking to The Times of India, Neil spoke about Bollywood’s penchant for remakes and said: There are different subgenres, like psychological thrillers, political thrillers, horror thrillers, etc. Why don’t we explore them? We are always remaking films instead of coming up with original ideas and content. In Bollywood, we have original ideas, but I have the impression that we prefer to play it safe.
After doing small independent films for years, Neil found success in the Tamil film industry with the super hit Kaththi in 2014. His other big hits include Prem Ratan Dhan Payo and Saaho.
Neil also explained that an actor’s value is determined solely by commercial success, which is why he tries to strike a balance by doing all kinds of movies. I believe in showbiz I have to be a bit sensible and strike a balance. The truth is, not only in our industry, but also among the public, the general perception of an actor is based on their commercial success. Although I love being part of a movie like Prison, I will also do artists like Players and Prem Ratan Dhan Payo, he said.
Neil was last seen in the 2019 film Bypass Road, which was not a commercial success. The same year, he had also appeared in a supporting role in the Prabhas-star Saaho. His upcoming releases include Ankush Bhatt Firrkie’s delayed film, which also stars Kay Kay Menon and Jackie Shroff, among others.
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Sources 2/ https://quicktelecast.com/neil-nitin-mukesh-criticises-bollywood-for-doing-remakes-not-original-content/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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