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Anurag Kashyap, Imtiaz Ali inspired me to move from TV to Bollywood: director of Janhit Mein Jaari

Anurag Kashyap, Imtiaz Ali inspired me to move from TV to Bollywood: director of Janhit Mein Jaari


Jai Basantu Singh recently made his Bollywood film debut with the film Janhit Mein Jaari. He has worked as a writer, director and producer in the Hindi television industry. Jai started out in the entertainment world working as a director for various commercials, campaigns and music videos.

In 2008, he made his debut as a director with a few episodes for the television series titled Kahani Humaray Mahabharat Ki. He also directed a few episodes of Mohe Rang De and yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. Jai went on to direct over 20 TV series including popular shows like Jeanie Aur Juju, Namune, Yeh Pyaar Nahi To Kya Hai and Just Dance.

When asked what prompted him to make his directorial debut in Bollywood at this point, Jai said: Everyone dreams of becoming a filmmaker in the end, you just have to start learning with a other medium before getting there. For me, television was that learning ground; everything I do today is based on what I learned on television. And besides, I don’t have this experience where I could enter a Bollywood and start directing a film. And so my inspiration was all these directors who came from TV and did well in Bollywood. Directors like Anurag Basu, Imtiaz Ali, Aanand L Rai, Anurag Kashyap, Hansal Mehta, Neeraj Pandey are all my inspiration. I have always dreamed and always thought that one day I will also direct the film. So I was just following their path.

Janhit Main Jaari is a social comedy starring Nushrratt Bharuccha, written and produced by Raaj Shaandilyaa and directed by Jai Basantu Singh. The film is set in a small Indian town and with a social message to make condoms more acceptable as a safe method of contraception. Nushratt plays a woman who starts working in a condom business as a saleswoman, and the obstacles she faces inside and outside her home.

Speaking about the purpose behind making the film on such a subject, the director said: As a director, as a writer, it is my responsibility to make condoms a commonly accepted word. It should be an easy word to use between family members, parents should teach their children the importance of using a condom, that should be the goal. In Western countries, you will see people talking about it openly, condom dispensers set up in certain places, because it is a safety issue.

Jai also blames the poor messaging associated with condoms as a product for the stigma attached to it. Any condom commercial you see on TV is about fun and flavor. Extra dotted, extra fine, chocolate and strawberry flavors. The condom was invented as a precaution, when did it become an instrument of pleasure? No one talks about the woman’s safety, Jai exclaimed.

Janhit Mein Jaari has been praised for bringing to light an important and often overlooked aspect of safer sex, especially in semi-urban and rural parts of India.

When I was researching all over Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh before writing the script for the movie, I couldn’t find a single man who said he likes using a condom. So what fun are we talking about. And not using a condom leads to so many abortions and deaths. That’s what we wanted to convey through the film, added Jai.

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