Sofia Vergara’s 50th birthday: From Latin TV queen to Hollywood stardom

to fame as a model and host, and her role as Gloria Delgado-Prichett in the “Modern Family” series, he transformed her. She has become one of the most notable comedic actresses on American television. Also one of the highest paid performers and one of the most influential Latin women in the industry.
Sofa Margarita Vergara was born in Barranquilla (Colombia) on July 10, 1972. She is celebrating her 50th birthday. She has won Best Actress in a Comedy three times and been nominated for Best Supporting Actress four times at the Emmys and Golden Globes.
Soon he will star in the Netlfix production ‘Griselda’, a mini-series produced by the creators of ‘Narcos’ in which Sofa Vergara will play the role of Colombian drug trafficker Griselda Blanco.
For eleven seasons, Sofa Vergara was Gloria Delgado-Prichett, one of the main characters in the famous American television comedy “Modern Family”, which established her as the star of the series. not only as one of the reference Latin actresses in Hollywood but as one of the highest paid actresses of American television.
A role with which she does not know; to the audience: A four-time winner of the Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Ensemble in a Television Comedy, Vergara chose to win. She has won Best Actress in a Comedy three times and been nominated for Best Supporting Actress four times at the Emmys and Golden Globes.
In a completely different side, he will soon be starring in the Netlfix production ‘Griselda’, a mini-series from the creators of ‘Narcos’ in which Sofa Vergara will play the role of Colombian drug trafficker Griselda Blanco , also known as “the Godmother of Cocaine” or “the Black Widow”.
Blanco was the head of one of the world’s largest drug cartels until her assassination in 2012. Griselda Blanco was a character whose ruthless yet resourceful tactics allowed her to lead a billion dollar empire. dollars. years before many of the most notorious capos we know so well & rdquo; the Colombian actress in a statement following the announcement of the miniseries.
In ‘Griselda’, directed by the also Colombian Andrs Baiz and which will tell with six episodes, Vergara will interpret one of the founders of the Medelln cartel and who acquired enormous power in the world of drug trafficking in the 1970s and in the early 1980s. , a pioneer in the strategy of exporting drugs to the United States.
After spending nearly two decades imprisoned in the United States following her arrest in 1985, she was deported to Colombia, where she lived. She was in hiding until she was murdered in 2012 in a butcher’s shop in a popular neighborhood of Medelln.
It has little to do with the Gloria Delgado she made famous in ‘Modern Family’, a character the Barranquilla actress has repeatedly recalled the stereotypes she had to face to make a hollow in the mecca of cinema.
“I think I’ll always be stereotypical, but I’m not afraid to be. I’m Latina. I have that accent. I’m lucky to have gotten this role and to have shown people that I can be funny,” she said of her character’s success in “Modern Family,” after many years of auditions where no one knew exactly where to place her. because of these stereotypes.
“I’m a natural blonde. But when I started I was going to act, I was going to auditions and they didn’t know where to put me because she was voluptuous and had an accent, but she had blonde hair. It was ignorance: they thought all Latinos looked like Salma Hayek”.
Born in Barranquilla (Colombia), on July 10, 1972, Sofa Margarita Vergara began her career as a child. She began her professional career as an advertising and catwalk model, until she became famous after her participation as a presenter at the Via del Mar International Song Festival, and shortly after she moved in Barcelona. in Miami, where she signed & gu; an exclusive contract with each Univisin.
Vergara presented the programs ‘Out of Series’ and ‘A que no te dares’, before participating in the telenovela ‘Acapulco, cuerpo y alma’, of the Mexican Televisa, and being one of the presenters at the American Comedy Awards for the Fox network, which opened the doors to the English-speaking public and her first roles in Hollywood, where she made her debut. with the film ‘Big Trouble’, although his first notable role was in the film ‘Chasing Papi’ (2003).
The Colombian has participated in more than twenty films, several of them as a dubbing actress, the last being ‘Koati’ (2021), of which she is also a producer, and on television, in addition to her in as an actress, she stood out for her work as a jury in the program & lsquo; America’s Got Talent’ since the year 2020.
An American citizen since late 2014, after two decades of residence in the country, the actress gained further recognition when in May 2015 she received the award. his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, becoming the star of his career. She was the second Colombian to achieve this, after Shakira had done so four years earlier. Among the 100 most powerful women in the world, Vergara’s list was ranked 32nd, and between 2013 and 2020 she was one of the highest paid actresses not only on American television, but in the world.
Married since 2015 to actor Joe Manganiello (known among other things for his role in the series ‘True Blood’), Sofa Vergara has a son, Manolo, born in 1991, from the actress’s first marriage to the Colombian Jos; Luis Gonzlez.
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