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Los Angeles Gay Pride Organizers Postpone June Festival Amid Coronavirus Outbreak


The West Hollywood festival is a huge draw, attracting around 200,000 people to various events in June.

The coronavirus pandemic claimed another major event: the Gay Pride of L.A.

The festival's Twitter account, @LAPride, published the announcement Thursday afternoon in what marks one of the first major events reported in months. Many of the latest postponements and cancellations – from March Madness and NCAA SXSW to the Tribeca Film Festival and CinemaCon – have been for major events in March and April, while the word is still not available for certain events in may. Gay Pride was scheduled to take place June 12-14 in what was to be a commemorative event celebrating its 50th anniversary. More than 200,000 people usually go over the weekend for street fairs, celebrities, shows and a colorful parade.

"Due to COVID-19's concerns, (event organizer Christopher Street West) will postpone all events related to LA Pride's 50th anniversary that were scheduled for June 2020," said the tweet. "The organizers are assessing the situation. More information to be provided on the report as details become available."

It is not known when the organization will move in on a new date. June is usually the biggest gay pride month, as it was chosen to mark the historic Stonewall riots, which occurred in late June 1969. The event's website only teases "new dates to come" for the festival presented by Verizon.

A few hours after the tweet, a spokesman for the city of West Hollywood released a statement describing a series of actions to "follow the example of the Los Angeles County public health department, California Department of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to respond to the coronavirus "which remain in place until June 30. The statement explains that all non-essential events and meetings – including city sponsored events, city co-sponsored events, city funded events and all events or filming that require a permit – will be postponed or canceled.

In addition, the city encourages the same for events or private gatherings that cannot accommodate space for a social distance of at least six feet per person. All public meetings, such as advisory council and committee meetings, will be canceled unless it is determined that these meetings are necessary for essential business.

Other cancellations include the Helen Albert certified farmer's market, as well as the deferral of L.A. pride from CSW. "Public safety is the number one goal and the City of West Hollywood takes great care to help our public health partners to the greatest extent possible," said West Hollywood Mayor John D'Amico in a statement. communicated. "Right now, our goal is to do our part to smooth the curve of disease progression by focusing on the essential business functions of the City and by canceling events within the City's jurisdiction." Social distancing has proven to be effective in other regions and we are following best practices to slow the spread of this virus so that our healthcare system is not overwhelmed yet. "


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