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Virus hits Bollywood: Salman Khan cancels US-Canada tour, SIR follows Sooryavanshi to push release


Mumbai, March 13 (IANS): Bollywood superstar Salman Khan canceled his event Up close and personal with Salman Khan, which was to take place in the United States and Canada from April 3 to 12, in the wake of fear of coronaviruses.

Informing Salman fans of the same thing, business analyst Taran Adarsh ​​tweeted Friday morning: "#Update: The #SalmanKhan – Up, Close & Personal With Salman Khan event – to be held at #USA and #Canada from April 3 to 12, 2020 has been postponed. #CoronaVirus # COVID19. "

Salman's postponement of his stay in North America marks the latest effect of the COVID 19 pandemic on Bollywood. Last night, on the orders of the Delhi government, the cinemas of a capital were closed.

Shortly after, Rohit Shetty & # 39; s Sooryavanshi became the first Bollywood biggie to cancel its release. The film was due out later this month. Several other Bollywood and Hollywood films have been canceled.

Akshay and the film crew shared information about the report on social media. He was due out on March 24.

"Sooryavanshi is an experience we have created for you with over a year of dedication and hard work. And the response we received for his trailer was nothing short of electrifying and made it clear that this film truly belongs to its audience, "the statement said.

"We were as happy as you to present the film to you and your family, but due to the recent coronavirus explosion, we, the creators, decided to postpone the release of your film" Sooryavanshi " , keeping in mind the health and safety of our audience. "

"And so, Sooryavanshi will be back for you at the appropriate time. After all, safety comes first… Until then, keep the excitement alive, take care of yourself and stay strong, "added the statement, which was approved by the Sooryavanshi team.

The film is presented by Reliance Entertainment and produced by Rohit Shetty, Karan Johar and Cape of Good Films.

Sooryavanshi (Photo: Twitter)

In other developments, the Los Angeles Indian Film Festival (IFFLA) has been postponed due to the worldwide coronavirus epidemic.

"Given the recent developments around the coronavirus, IFFLA has made the difficult but necessary decision to postpone this year's Festival from April 1 to April 5 to a later date, to be determined in 2020."

"In doing so, we stand in solidarity with the main cultural institutions and festivals and with the recommendations of the CDC and the Los Angeles County Public Health Department, by taking proactive measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic", Christina Marouda , President of the IFFLA Council, said in a statement.

"The well-being of our guests, partners and staff is paramount. We will continue to monitor the situation closely to determine the best time to reschedule the festival later this year," said the release.

Is love enough? SIR poster (Photo: IANS)

In another development, the release date of Rohena Gera's feature film Is love enough? MONSIEUR has been postponed due to the coronavirus epidemic. The film was originally scheduled to be released on March 20.

"Based on public health concerns and the advice of the Ministry of Health, we have decided to postpone the publication of MONSIEUR. We look forward to sharing our film with our local audience in India and will announce an updated release date as soon as possible. "

"In the meantime, we urge everyone to stay safe and take all necessary health precautions," said a statement from the directors, announcing the change in release date for the film.

The decision comes a day after the Delhi government officially announced the closure of all movie theaters in the capital until March 31 due to the coronavirus epidemic.

Is love enough? MONSIEUR includes Tillotama Shome, Vivek Gomber and marathi actress Geetanjali Kulkarni.

In another development, the makers of Irrfan Khan Angrezi Medium announced the reissue of the film in Kerala, Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir – regions where movie theaters will remain closed until March 31 due to the coronavirus epidemic.

On Thursday, it was announced that movie theaters and schools would be closed in several regions to prevent the spread of the highly contagious virus.

Even if Sooryavanshi was immediately postponed, the manufacturers of Angrezi Medium went ahead with the March 13 release, even though he was unable to play the film in theaters in Delhi.

Actress Radhika Madan during Angrezi Medium promos (Photo: IANS)

"Angrezi Medium has been a trip that I will treasure all my life. The only thing I learned from its making is that whatever the obstacle, if we pour our heart and soul into something, the universe will have its back. "

"As the film now reaches India, we have already received an unconditional love of Dubai and other international territories. Due to unforeseen circumstances, however, it will not be released in Kerala, Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir. "

"We hope for the same affection and support you have given us since day one. Our film will reach these places when the time is right, but rest assured, just like Irrfan said," wait for us "," said the film. producer Dinesh Vijan.

Earlier, a statement issued by the manufacturer said: "Angrezi Medium opens exceptionally in Dubai! The film is released as scheduled throughout India, with the exception of Kerala, Delhi and UT Jammu and Kashmir. "

"The creators will release the film in these respective regions once the cinemas reopen. The film has been appreciated by critics and is sure to fill your heart with love and laughter."

Angrezi Medium revolves around a father-daughter relationship, played by Irrfan and Radhika Madan. The film also features Deepak Dobriyal, Dimple Kapadia, Ranvir Shorey and Kareena Kapoor Khan. The film is presented by studios Jio and Prem Vijan.

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