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From the Eiffel Tower to the Moulin Rouge, the monuments of Paris close in the suppression of viruses


PARIS (Reuters) – The famous Moulin Rouge cabaret in Paris, the Louvre museum and the Eiffel Tower were among the main tourist sites that closed on Friday after the government banned gatherings of more than 100 people to curb the spread of coronavirus.

The Moulin Rouge cabaret is pictured after CEO Jean-Jacques Clerico CEO informed that the cabaret will be closed from today due to the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) in Paris, France, on March 13, 2020. REUTERS / Gonzalo Fuentes

The cabaret, known for its top dancers, and many other venues, including cinemas, were taken aback by the television lunch announcement by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe in response to the epidemic of coronavirus.

The Louvre, which houses the Mona Lisa of Leonardo da Vinci and the sculpture of Venus de Milo and one of the biggest tourist attractions in France, said it would close from 1800 (1700 GMT) until further notice.

The Eiffel Tower will close from 2100 (2000 GMT). His management said the tower would reopen as soon as health conditions allow.

But some places were still unsafe on Friday afternoon whether or not they would accept spectators, including a cinema in central Paris which said it was keeping its doors open for the time being he expected less than 100 people.

Prior to the Prime Minister's announcement, gatherings of less than 1,000 people were allowed. But France is intensifying its efforts to contain the virus. It also closes schools from Monday.

The 130-year-old Moulin Rouge – whose canned cane shows featuring dancers in ostrich feather costumes and dazzling rhinestones attract dozens of visitors – has confirmed that it will be closed at public until further notice.

It offered refunds or the option to reserve tickets for another date, said a spokesperson.

In the meantime, however, the place in the Pigalle district of Paris, topped by a giant red windmill that has become an attraction in itself, will remain lit up, the spokeswoman added.

"We don't want the Moulin Rouge to lose all positivity and optimism, we want people to always be able to take photos," she said.

Some of the 450 employees at the Moulin Rouge will continue to work, repairing costumes, for example, to be ready to reopen, the spokeswoman said.

La Gaiete Lyrique, a rock concert hall with a capacity of 700 people, said it would be closed until April 6, along with many other performance halls.

The Odeon-Theater of Europe, which was to stage Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie with French star Isabelle Huppert in the lead role on Friday, also confirmed the cancellation of the performances.

France had notified 2,876 cases of coronavirus and 61 deaths on Thursday.

Report by Sarah White, Dominique Vidalon, Johnny Cotton and Geert De Clercq; Editing by Christian Lowe and Gareth Jones

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