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This photo of Sara Ali Khan kissing child actor Mannat Mishra will make your day; see


Sara Ali Khan is preparing her next film Atrangi re. The film also stars southern star Dhanush and Akshay Kumar. the Love Aaj Kal the actress may be far from the eyes of the paparazzi in recent days, but her last photo was enough to draw all the attention. The photo of Sara Ali Khan with child actor Mannat Mishra won many hearts on the Internet.

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In the photo, Sara Ali Khan, dressed in a gray Anarkali and a red dupatta, holds Mannat in her arms. The actor is comfortably seated on the faux grass stairs. Mannat Mishra also seems happy as she hugs Sara Ali Khan in her arms.

Sara and Mannat are all smiles for the image. Sara Ali Khan's large square frame glasses also stood out. Sara and Mannat kissed affectionately, as the picture shows.

Discover Sara Ali Khan's photos with Mannat Mishra

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Check out the reactions to Sara Ali Khan's photos with Mannat Mishra


The photo was shared by the representative of Mannat Mishra on his Instagram account. They marked Sara Ali Khan in the photo and expressed Mannat’s affection for Sara in hashtags.

The photo was captioned: "#AtrangiRe #movie # 2021 @bollywood #Thankyou # affectionate # humbe # cute @ saraalikhan95 Di #loveyousoooomuch for your #affection.”The photo has received many charming comments. Some have called Mannat Mishra the chance to meet Sara at such a young age.

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The image has been clicked on the sets of Atrangi re which is an upcoming movie. According to reports, the film is a rom-com, with Sara, Dhanush and Akshay written by Himanshu Sharma. Atrangi re is directed by director Aanand L Rai and is expected to be released in early February 2021.

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