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Bollywood’s Biggest Celebrity Rivalries

Bollywood’s Biggest Celebrity Rivalries
Bollywood’s Biggest Celebrity Rivalries


You have seen rivalries in different Bollywood movies, but there are real examples of big Bollywood celebrities fighting.

Bipasha Basu and Kareena Kapoor: Bipasha and Kareena shared the screen of the movie Ajnabee. Bipasha in an interview said, “I won’t work with Kareena anymore. Because either you get along with people or you don’t. I believe that if you get along with people off-screen, you associate with them. on the screen.” In an interview, Kareena also said, “(Bipasha) just doesn’t seem to be confident in her own talent. Why not talk about your work? I think her only claim to fame is that she fought with me during Ajnabee.

Sri Devi and Jaya Prada: Sridevi and Jaya had not spoken for 25 years. , both were top actors in the 80s, so maybe it had something to do with it. In their films together, they did not say a single word to each other on the sets. Apparently, during Maqsad, their co-stars Rajesh Khanna and Jeetendra locked them in a make-up room, hoping for some sort of reconciliation, but then they opened the door an hour later, the two were seated in opposite corners after which they never worked together. but in 2015 they settled down.

Salman and Shah Rukh: From best friends to foes to friends again, their relationship with each other has always remained in the news. After making movies like Karan Arjun and Kuch Kuch Hota Hai together the two main Khans were friends, until Katrina Kaif’s birthday party in 2008. Salman, who was dating Katrina at the time, had a falling out with Shah Rukh after he said something about his ex, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.

Rekha and Jaya Bachchan: Rekha talking about Jaya Bachchan once said that the rivalry between them started when Jaya Bachchan realized that Amitabh Bachcha was really emotionally involved, that’s when it started hurting her. She called me for dinner one night and although we talked about everything but him, before I left that day she made sure to tell me, “I will never leave Amit no matter what. “.

Kangana and Diljit Dosanjh: . the fight between them started over the Farm Bill protests. When Kangana tweeted about an old woman seen at the farmers’ protest, Diljit Dosanjh responded by asking her to respect the elderly and the fight continued with the tweets slamming each other.

Isha Deol and Amrita Rao: Apparently when Esha Deol and Amrita Rao were working together in the movie Pyare Mohan, Esha Deol slapped Amrita Rao in response to a sarcastic remark made by her. Later, the actress also said she had no regrets because she stood up for herself.

Shah Rukh Khan and Shirish Kunder: Farah Khan is one of their close friends of Shah Rukh Khan. Shah Rukh Kahan slapped Farah’s husband Shirish Kunder at Sanjay Dutt’s birthday party. But, the situation ended up creating a breach in the bond between SRK and Farah Khan.

Kangana and Hrithik: Kangana Ranaut had claimed that the two were in a relationship. She had also shared emails allegedly sent to her by Hrithik Roshan. But Hrithik ended up denying the allegations and, in fact, sent him a legal notice. Kangana has openly criticized Hrithik Roshan on several occasions.

Salman and Vivek Oberoi: Vivek Oberoi had accused Salman Khan of calling him and threatening to kill him during a press conference. Salman Khan has always denied these accusations and even said he was above the friction between the two. The reason for the fight between them was Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. After the incident, Vivek also apologized to Salman Khan but Salman Khan did not accept.

Salman and Arijit: The differences between Salman Khan and Arijit Singh began during an award ceremony. While collecting an award, Arijit Singh responded to Salman Khan in a way that rubbed the star the wrong way, and from then on he continued to show his dislike for the singer on multiple occasions.

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