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& # 39; Mulan & # 39 ;, & # 39; Fast and Furious & # 39; delayed as Hollywood adapts to coronavirus


(Reuters) – The release of the epic action movie from Walt Disney Co "Mulan" and the ninth movie "Fast and Furious" from Universal Pictures was postponed Thursday as Hollywood scrambled for Adapt to the global spread of coronavirus.

FILE PHOTO: Actor Vin Diesel poses at the premiere of the movie "Fast and Furious 8" in Berlin, Germany, April 4, 2017. REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke / File Photo

Disney premiered on the red carpet on Monday to promote "Mulan" and said at the time that the film would be released in the United States as scheduled on March 27.

But Thursday, as US officials urged against large rallies and took other measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus, Disney said it had decided "to be too careful" to postpone the debut of "Mulan" as well as the April versions of "The New Mutants". "And" Antlers ".

"We truly believe in the cinematic experience, and we are considering potential new release dates for 2020 that will be announced at a later date," said a Disney spokesperson.

"F9", the new film "Fast and Furious" from Universal Pictures of Comcast Corp, was due to debut on May 22. Its release was delayed by almost a year until April 2, 2021.

"Mulan" and "F9" were to be among the biggest box office hits in the coming months, but were among several disruptions in global entertainment caused by the coronavirus.

The virus has closed cinemas in China, Italy and many other countries, while a travel ban from Europe to the United States announced on Wednesday by President Donald Trump is likely to reduce the red carpets and other promotional events for films and stars.

American cinemas remained open Thursday. But an industry source said operators could close larger theaters in certain regions based on advice from local authorities.

Ohio on Thursday banned crowds of more than 100 people. In California, Governor Gavin Newsom advised against the non-essential gatherings of more than 250 people until the end of the month.

Movie theaters have been exempted, but even if they remain open, their schedules should be reorganized.

Also on Thursday, Paramount Pictures, a unit of ViacomCBS Inc, delayed indefinitely the release of the thriller "A Quiet Place Part II", which was due to begin its international rollout on March 18. And he postponed the romantic comedy "The Lovebirds", originally set for April 3.

"Due to the constantly changing circumstances of what is happening in the world around us, this is clearly not the right time to do it," director of "Quiet Place" John Krasinski said in a message. on his Instagram account.

The decisions followed the postponement last week of the James Bond film "No Time to Die" to November from April, and a delay in "Peter Rabbit 2" to August from March 27.

In addition, the Cleveland Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has postponed its induction ceremony scheduled for May 2 to an unspecified future date. This followed the cancellation of the Coachella music festival, South by Southwest and other large entertainment gatherings.

Report by Jill Serjeant and Lisa Richwine; Editing by Diane Craft, Richard Chang and Daniel Wallis

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