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The best movies and shows on Netflix to watch while stuck at home


Social distancing following the coronavirus pandemic has forced the cancellation of almost all major sports, the delay of many blockbusters, the closure of Broadway and a mass transfer to people working at home during the closure of offices. Fortunately, we still have streaming services, especially Netflix.


Let's start with what Netflix claims to be the 10 most popular movies its subscribers are watching right now. Leading the pack, the original Netflix Spenser Confidential, the Mark wahlberg action-comedy that debuted on the platform last week. Based on the character created by author Robert B. Parker, the film co-stars Winston Duke and Alan Arkin and is the latest collaboration between Wahlberg and director Peter berg.

The other top 10 movies are library titles, a mix of romantic comedies, children's movies, and a pair of timely thrillers: Trigger, the drama of 1995 with Dustin Hoffman, and Monsters, a 2018 thriller about a telepathic girl who has been kept isolated all her life. The complete list:

Space jamAngry Birds 2
Monsters (2018)
Life as we know it
Kung Fu Panda 2
Valentine's day
Pokemon: Mewtwo strikes back – Evolution
He's just not very interested

While following the herd isn't very attractive, Netflix is ​​currently broadcasting a glut of critically acclaimed films and re-usable classics in all genres. Some of our favorites:

Women of the 20th century (2016)

Mike Mills& # 39; drama presents one of the last great Greta Gerwig performance as an actor, and should have given Annette Bening an Oscar nomination. One of the true underrated A24 versions of the past five years.

A serious man (2009)

It's hard to watch the news and not feel like the world is collapsing, which is why some viewers could take comfort in this dark Joel and Ethan Coen comedy about how everything that can go wrong, in fact, goes.

Crazy (2011)

Steven Soderberghit is Contagion (available on Hulu) has been the subject of a huge revival. But beyond providing a grim plan of life during a pandemic, it is a reminder that Soderbergh is one of the most prestigious genre filmmakers in the industry. Crazy is his grainy action thriller, and he made a star of Gina Carano well before its appearance The Mandalorian.

Start (2010)

Netflix is ​​home The black Knight and Batman beginsbut at the risk of angering the film brothers on Reddit, are one of those great movies as fun as Start? For all its absurd lines, Christopher nolanThe blockbuster of & amp; # 39; is a total hoot and just as good as any James Bond movie released in the past 15 years. A good ready-made substitute for 007 fans who will have to wait to see No time to die.

Kicking and shouting (1995)

Noah Baumbachfirst feature film of several of his films available on Netflix (including Frances ha, When we were young, and Marriage story) is a classic of the 90s and the first of many Baumbach films that fight against impotent male anger and the way it can corrode from the inside.

Magnolia (1999)

Here's an analogy for 90s kids from Kicking and shouting: Yes Paul Thomas Anderson were Radiohead, Boogie nights would be Curvatures and Magnolia would be Ok computer. A sprawling film filled with great ideas and great performers (the late Philip Seymour Hoffman and Tom cruise among them), Magnolia Perhaps this is the movie of the moment: basically it's about how the mistakes of the old can forever have an impact on the young.

Naked pistol (1988)

Because it's hard to imagine spending the next month without laughing a little.

Obvious child (2014)

Jake Lacy has been playing with friends from Brooklyn for years, most recently he has emerged as the friendliest guy on Hulu. High fidelity remake. But his story of origin for this particular type of character is undoubtedly Obvious child, where he shared the spotlight opposite Jenny Slate in one of the best romantic comedies of the last 10 years. Stop looking Life as we know itguys!

Rounders (1998)

For a certain type of spectator, Rounders is basically the most reusable film ever made. Written by Billions friends Brian Koppelman and David Levien, Rounders is like one of the greatest successes of actors and scenes from the 90s. Matt Damon and Edward Norton star, of course, but it's the supporting castJohn Malkovich, John Turturro, and Martin Landau in particular who hum.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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