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Love Island summer series "threatened by coronavirus"


The ITV2 series, Love Island, could become the latest show to fall victim to the coronavirus epidemic, with competitors expected to stay in the UK rather than the luxury villa in Mallorca.

Travel restrictions mean that the show, which is usually shot on the Spanish island of Mallorca, may have to be shot in the UK or be canceled.

However, Love Island live from Bognor just doesn't have the same ring, does it?

Love Island, which was hosted by Laura Whitmore earlier this year, is believed to be threatened by a coronavirus (Credit: ITV2)

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With the coronavirus declared a global pandemic, it seems that more and more restrictions will be put in place, especially when it comes to traveling abroad.

So far there are only ten confirmed cases of the virus in Mallorca, but Spain currently has the fifth highest number of cases in the world.

According to The sunTV bosses follow advice from Public Health England and the World Health Organization, sources say, but will have to come up with an alternative plan for Love Island if the coronavirus is still common in June.

This follows the grand finale of Ant and Dec, Saturday Night Takeaway, which is also said to have been plunged into chaos.

Competitors are used to the sun and luxury with the winter series filmed in South Africa (Credit: ITV)

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The boys planned to take 300 fans to Disney World in Florida, but with the area's theme parks now closed, it seems unlikely that the grand finale will take place.

A spokesperson said: “ We continue to monitor developments in Covid-19 very carefully, including the latest expert guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO ) and the Department of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (FCO) and we will act in accordance with these guidelines.

"The health and safety of our award winners, as well as our production team is our number one priority. We have contingencies in place for all eventualities based on changing situations.

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"If we cannot travel as planned, for example, due to a change in Covid-19 travel advice, all Place on the Plane award winners will have their prices honored and piloted by Virgin Holidays for a 5 night stay at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida on such a late date when convenient for Virgin Holidays. "

The Saturday Night Takeaway finale is also under threat (Credit: ITV)

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The death toll in the UK from the deadly flu virus rose to 10 on Thursday 12 March, with two people dead in London hospitals.

The total number of confirmed cases in Britain recently increased to 798.

The deaths occur while Ireland has been taken into custody after a single death from the deadly virus.

Schools, museums and other public buildings are closing, while the government has banned large gatherings in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.

The Taoiseach of the Republic of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, announced this week that indoor gatherings of more than 100 people would be banned, as would open-air gatherings involving more than 500 people.

Ent Daily contacted Love Island for comment.

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