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10 Bollywood quotes that will make you want to travel

10 Bollywood quotes that will make you want to travel


People all over the world have been inspired to travel to new places because of their favorite movies. Indians surely love their Bollywood Hindi movies. Whether it’s a thriller, comedy, periodic or romantic drama. Bollywood movies like Dil Chahta Hai, Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, Highway and Rockstar are priceless. If you’re looking for travel inspiration, here are 10 Bollywood movie quotes that will have you packing your bags right away.


In the Rockstar movie, we could all feel the dilemma of the heartbroken Janardan/Jordan, played by Ranbir Kapoor.

Mujhe pahado mein jana hai. Phir se Himalaya dekhna hai. Bike rides, sunrise, jalana hai bonfire.

Credits: The Indian Express

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2. Dil Chahata hai

This film inspired young Indians to take a trip to Goa one day with their friends. The cult film is the story of three friends struggling with their life problems but always finding time to go on holiday to Goa and forgetting all their worries at that time.

Hum connection ko har saal ek na ek baar Goa zaroor aana chahiye.

3. Zindigi Na Milegi Doobara

Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara struck a chord in everyone’s soul. Even those who have never traveled have been moved by the film’s stunning depictions of Spain.

Pighle neelam sa behta hua yeh samaan, neeli neeli si khamoshiyan. Na kahin hai zameen na kahin aasmaan. Sarsaraati huyi tehniyaan pattiyan keh rahi hain ki bas ek tum ho yahan.

Sieze the day my friend pehele is din ko Poori tarah jiyo, phir is chalis ke baare main sochna.

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4. Jab We Met

This one is probably one of the best romcoms ever made in India. The film revolves around Geet played by Kareena Kapoor, an extremely talkative and perky girl, who loves the mountains.

Shaadi ke baad na hum pahad main rahegaye mujhe na pahad bahot pasand hai Really!

5. Yeh Jawani hai Diwani

A cult favorite movie revolves around a boys quest to travel the world makes it unstoppable. Bunny, played by Ranbir Kapoor, wants to explore the world and discover himself.

Ek hi shehar ke ek hi ghar ke ek hi kamre mein you apni sari zindagi kaat degi? Soch ke darr nahin lagta?

Main udna chahata hun, daudna cahata hun, girna cahata hun, Bas rukna nhi cahata

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6. Highway

The story revolves around a bride-to-be who is kidnapped by a local goon who takes her through various roads and landscapes.

Jahan se tum mujhe laaye ho main wahan wapas nahin jana chahti. By yeh rasta bohut acha hai, principal chahti hoon ki yeh rasta kabhi khatam na ho.

7. Tamasha

Every character in every scene in the movie felt like a dream trip because the set was so beautifully shown.

What happens in Corsica stays in Corsica

Also read: Bollywood movies that will take you around the world

8. Go Goa Gone

The film was about three friends, bored by their monotonous life, who decided to go on a trip to Goa but unfortunately landed in a world of zombies.

Mujhe yahan se kahi door le chal, Hardik I need a break We both need a break

9. Lunchbox

Although the film isn’t directly related to travel, it contains some amazing conversations that make you think about what you’re doing with your life. The film is about two strangers who connect on a mental level through a lunch box and letters.

Kabhi kabhi galat train sahi jagha pahocha deti hai

10. Anand

Every desire to travel you once had but pushed away was inspired by the film. The subject and the dialogues of the film encourage you to live in the present.

Babumoshai, Zindigi Badi honi chahiye, Lambi nahi

Also Read: Your Favorite Travel Movie Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara Has an Interesting Behind-the-Scenes Secret




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