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Can Woke Hollywood survive the Bidens recession?

Can Woke Hollywood survive the Bidens recession?


Wake up, go broke, they said, but Hollywood didn’t listen.

Progressive project after progressive project failed, but the studio bean counters kept their cool.

Suddenly, Hollywood has woken up concerned about its bottom line, and progressive messaging is getting in its way.

The irony of all ironies? The same industry that promoted the candidacy of Joe Bidens feels the sting of its recession. And that means trouble for the industry’s woke revolution.

The main actors are tightening their belts, canceling shows that might otherwise have longer leashes on life, and erasing projects brimming with woke flourishes.

Spectacle Company is back, baby.


The first sign of trouble came from Netflix, the undisputed king of streaming. Earlier this year, the platform saw its first subscriber downgrade following a wave of woke projects.

  • “Moxie”
  • “He is waiting”
  • “Dear Whites”
  • “The Breakup with Michelle Wolf”
  • “Tear Down the House”
  • “Cute”
  • Hannah Gadsby Specials
  • Chelsea Handler Promotions

The ramifications of Netflix’s bad news began immediately.

The Netflix team doubled down on their commitment to free speech, embraced Ricky Gervais’ problematic comedy for more eyeballs and told awake employees to pound sand, in so many words. Belt tightening has begun, including the recent cancellation of the lesbian vampire thriller First Kill.

The usual woke subjects have been kicking and screaming online about the news, but Netflix claimed the numbers didn’t have the shows.

The platform even canceled upcoming projects related to Meghan Markle (Pearl) and Ibram X. Kendi (Antiracism Baby).

A company with a Art installation Stay Woke in one of his corporate buildings now has little patience for the awake crowd. The bottom line matters.


Netflix is ​​not the only company to worry about its financial situation.

Warner Bros. Discovery just did the unthinkable by dumping a nearly completed HBO Max movie with a price tag of between $70 million and $90 million, depending on which medium you trust.

Batgirl won’t see the light of daybecoming a super tax write-off instead of the next DC franchise.

This decision outraged the progressive left. The movie star, Leslie Grace, is Latina. Her co-stars include trans actor Ivory Aquino. The script came from Christina Hodson, who previously wrote the feminist flop Birds of Prey.

None of that mattered to Warner Bros. costumes. Discovery. They sensed a clunker and acted quickly, understanding how comic book fans and social justice types might react to these issues.

They made the hard call anyway.


Once upon a time, say, a year ago – a woke backlash could spur Hollywood to reverse course. The cancellation of Batgirl, starring a Latina actress and directed by two men of color (Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah), would have sparked enough outrage that Warner Bros. turn around.

The studio could apologize by guaranteeing sequels for all the key players as restitution.

It hasn’t happened yet, which means it probably won’t.

It’s the same company backing Flash, the 2023 mega-release featuring an actor tied to regular new scary headlines. Ezra Miller, who appears to be a deeply troubled soul, would be canceled on most terms, along with any projects he had in the hopper.

The stars were canceled for much less.

Instead, Warner Bros. Discovery has confirmed plans to release Millers Flash next year, Cancel Culture be damned. Why? It’s a guaranteed moneymaker and seemingly sets the superhero franchise in motion for years to come, no matter how much bad PR the release generates.

The successes are linked for Warner Bros. Discovery.

The company announced that HBO Max merges with Discovery+ weeks after CNN+, featuring woke personalities like Jemele Hill, crushed and burned in a spectacular way.

Meanwhile, HBO Max is pulling poorly performing originals like An American Pickle from his platform, probably as another economic move. reports that HBO Max is considering a 70% reduction in its development staff.

More woke Hollywood content is making the rounds around town.

TBS’ basement-rated Full Frontal with Samantha Bee ultimately ran out of awakened goodwill. The cable giant canceled the Bees show after a seven-year streak known for its endless applause, vulgarity and progressive outrage.

The show was recently renewed despite those embarrassing numbers, but in Biden’s recession, keeping a woke host employed wasn’t reason enough to keep the show afloat.

It’s a miracle that the Hulus Woke series (yes, that’s its title) reached season 2 before get the axe.


Even bubbly Hollywood executives can pull off two of the most woke movies in memory Top Gun: Maverick and Spider-Man: No Way Home, are also the highest-grossing films of the past year.

The Los Angeles Times is even sounding the alarm Hollywood’s reaction to the Bidens recession.

Hollywoods awakened obsession won’t end overnight.

We will soon see a reboot of “National Treasure” with a open borders message.

Disney+’s next Andor promises a anti trump narrative addressing the so-called Americas Rights Cut, a far-left talking point that fits the industry’s recent mindset.

Disney seems fixated on woke programming, from kids’ fare brimming with sexually aware content to projects like Lightyear that shoehorn gay relationships.

The House of Mouse ignores its the share price is falling this yearsignaling that he is big enough to survive the Bidens recession and the degradation of his family brand.

Show business comes with an asterisk in the modern era. Woke Hollywood has been willing to swallow hard and accept a number of losses to send his favorite messages.

Thanks to the Bidens recession, those numbers may no longer add up.




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