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Apology for actions to Laurence Fox triggers series of resignations | News from the world


The entire Equity Racial Equality Committee has resigned to protest after the actors 'union apologized on their behalf for criticizing Laurence Foxs' views on race and paid an amicable settlement to the actor after threatening to sue them for defamation.

Members of the Equitys ethnic minority had called Fox a shame for our industry after the appearance of the actor at Question Time in January and insisted that press criticism of Meghan Markle didn’t 39; were not rooted in racism.

Former police drama star Lewis also used his appearance on the BBC talk show to emphasize that it was racist for a member of the public to see him. calls a privileged white man.

It was the most tolerant and charming country in Europe, he said at the time. It's so easy to throw the racism card out to everyone and it's really starting to get boring now.

In the aftermath of his appearance, minority representatives from the actors' union launched a series of accusations on Twitter against Fox, claiming that he wanted to reprimand and intimidate women of color trying to discuss issues of racial discrimination and sexual.

They also stated that Fox had played in the gallery, a populist tirade, with women of color used as cannon fodder, and occupied a very privileged position while trying to condemn any recognition of this privilege because racism itself that ; he claims is exaggerated when people of color try to discuss it.

The appearance of Foxs at Question Time sparked a long series of media discussions about his comments, which included his separate and mistaken claims that it was wrong to show Sikh soldiers in the World War I 1917 film. The actor quickly became a popular guest for right-wing publications, with his comments making headlines in the Daily Mail.

On Friday, the actors' union released a carefully crafted statement apologizing for the comments, with sources saying that a payment had been made to the actor: We are sorry that in the tweets he had was called shame by Equity. It was a mistake for Equity as an organization to criticize it this way. Nothing in Equitys' subsequent statement was intended to insult his character or opinions, or to suggest that he should be denied the ability to work. We want to make it clear. Equity and Laurence Fox unequivocally condemn prejudice in all its forms.

Daniel York Loh, the former chair of the Racial Equality Committee, said that he and his eight other colleagues on the committee, elected by ethnic minority unions, felt compelled to resign because of the decision. to apologize to the actor.

He tweeted: Equity and La * rence F * x can publish as many joint statements and apologies as they wish. It has nothing to do with me and I apologize for nothing.

Fox, a member of a well-known actor family, had previously stated that he feared that he would not be able to work after the intervention of the Racial Equity Committee. A source close to Fox said that a particular concern was his call for him to be unequivocally denounced for his comments on the breed, which could have reduced his ability to earn money. through roles and earning a living to allow him to take care of his family.

They added: He is happy and grateful to Equity for this decision. He looks forward to continuing his professional and personal life after a very difficult period for him and his family.

The 41-year-old's appearance in the program occurred as part of his second singing career, while promoting his new album A Grief Observed, which was written about his divorce. with his ex-wife Billie Piper.

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