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Magnum, PI actor Roger E Mosley dies aged 83 | Television

Magnum, PI actor Roger E Mosley dies aged 83 |  Television


Roger E Mosley, who played helicopter pilot and Tom Sellecks friend Theodore TC Calvin on all eight seasons of Magnum, PI, died Sunday at the age of 83.

The actor, a regular in blaxploitation films such as 1973’s The Mack, died of injuries sustained in a car crash three days earlier, his daughter Ch-a Mosley has said. the hollywood journalist.

Mosley’s most prominent film role was as blues and folk singer Huddie Ledbetter in Gordon Parkss Leadbelly in 1976, which critic Roger Ebert called in his exam one of the best biographies of a musician I have ever seen.

Mosley also appeared in several blaxploitation films, including Hit Man (1972), Sweet Jesus, Preacherman (1973), and Darktown Strutters (1975). In The Greatest (1977), the 6-foot-2 Mosley played boxer Sonny Liston, who was beaten by Muhammad Ali, playing himself.

Born on December 18, 1938, Roger Earl Mosley grew up in the Imperial Courts project in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles, raised by a single mother, Eloise.

He studied acting under Raymond St Jacques at the Mafundi Institute, a community arts school in Watts, and made his first television appearance in a 1971 episode of CBSs Cannon, followed by small roles in The New Centurions. and Hickey & Boggs. He appeared in 158 episodes of Magnum, PIs 162, which aired between December 1980 and May 1988.

According to Mosley, white actor Gerald McRaney was to play TC Calvin, who had a local one-person helicopter charter and often flew Sellecks Thomas Magnums around Hawaii for various cases. But the producers wanted a person of color for the main cast, which also included Larry Manetti and John Hillerman; Selleck suggested Mosley based on a prison film they made together, Terminal Island (1973).

We could never mourn such an amazing man, his daughter Ch-a wrote on Facebook. He HATES any crying done in his name. It’s time to celebrate the legacy he left for all of us. I love you dad. You loved me too. My heart is heavy but I am strong. I will take care of mom, your love of almost 60 years. You raised me well and she’s in good hands. Rest quietly.

Mosley is survived by his wife of nearly 60 years, Antoinette, his son Brandonn, his grandson Austin and numerous nieces and nephews.




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