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Kelvin Fletcher wins strict victory as actor from Emmerdale wins role of 100k panto


Strictly Come Dancing winner Kelvin Fletcher took advantage of his triumph and offered himself a role of 100,000 in a pantomime.

The 36-year-old, who just a few weeks ago splashed on a 150,000 Bentley, will play the lead role as Prince Charming in Sleeping Beauty later this year.

The former Emmerdale star will play the role at the Sheffields Lyceum Theater from December 4, 2020 to January 3, 2021.

Hell be joined by CBBC presenter Sam Nixon, who takes on the role of Jangles.

Kelvin is best known for playing Andy Sugden at Emmerdale, a role he has played for over 20 years, but recently made a name for himself as a dance sensation when he won the Strictly crown earlier this year.

But her beginnings in dance did not come without controversy after being photographed enjoying a nightcap at 3 a.m. with her Strictly Dance partner Oti Mabuse .

Kelvin's new panto role will earn him 100,000
(Image: Facebook)

Just hours after the scandalous photos were published, a source said that Kelvin's wife and the mother of her children, Liz Marsland, had not made him friends. Instagram .

Liz is at home with their children Marnie, three, and Milo, one, while Kelvin dances on the Strictly tour.

She would have been upset after seeing photos of him drinking late until 3 am with Oti.

He is quite used to playing catchy roles in front of a crowd
(Image: ITV)

Kelvin recently celebrated Valentine's Day with his wife amid the drama surrounding his relationship with Oti
(Image: Instagram)

The former Emmerdale actor Kelvin recently spent a lot of time away from his family on the Strictly Live tour while Oti worked on the BBC contest The Greatest Dancer.

The mother of two has yet to follow her husband or partner Strictly, Oti, 29, despite the fact that there is “ no drama '' & # 39; 39; after being spotted without her wedding ring on her finger.

Later, pictures came out of Liz kissing her husband at a train station and she insisted that she had only removed her ring so that she could simulate the tan.

Kelvin and Oti won Strictly Come Dancing

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Liz appeared to dispel rumors of problems by breaking her silence on Instagram this week and insisted that there was “ no drama '' & # 39; after she left without her wedding ring.

Kelvin and Oti have always insisted that they are just good friends.

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