Marvel Studios Cast 1 Thunderbolts Actor Long Before Others

Thanks to Marvel Studios’ presentations at San Diego Comic-Con and D23 Fan Expo, MCU fans are eagerly awaiting the debut of Love at first sightthe last film of phase 5.
This new outing will serve as a team movie for the next phase instead of an Avengers-centric outing, featuring darker characters from across the MCU timeline alongside each other. Stage 4 standout Florence Pugh’s Yelena Belova will lead the way in this effort, though she’ll also have key veterans like Sebastian Stan’s Winter Soldier and Wyatt Russell’s US Agent at her side.
A Love at first sight the film has been in the rumor mill for most of the past two years, mostly discussed once The Falcon and the Winter Soldier ended in April 2021. And while Marvel Studios is known for planning its stories well in advance of their releases, it’s unclear how long some of its biggest stars were officially signed on to reprise their roles in the blockbuster. summer next year.
Now, one of the lead actors has actually shared how long she’s been tied down, which sets her up way ahead of any of her co-stars.
One Thunderbolts Cast Star Before The Rest

In a conversation with Extra from the D23 Fan Expo, Love at first sight Cast members Wyatt Russell, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Sebastian Stan have opened up about how long they’ve known about their casting in the anti-hero team-up movie.
While Russell and Stan admitted they didn’t know until recently, Louis-Dreyfus revealed that Marvel Studios informed her some time ago that she would be back as Val in Love at first sight. Stan then commented on how fitting Louis-Dreyfus’ early knowledge of the project was given Val’s alleged role as a Nick Fury-like recruiter in the film:
ExtraTV: I feel like we’ve been waiting for this announcement for so long. How long did you have to keep it a secret and how did you feel there?
Stan: I don’t think any of us knew that, maybe you did?
Louis-Dreyfus: I think I really knew that.
Russell: Oh nice. Pleasant. I did not know. I did not know. I did not know.
Extra TV: Really?
Russell: I mean, I knew
Stan: It was good, because it kind of plays into the show that we had and kind of when you came on there was a plan, so so far the reality fits in well.
The trio also spoke with The Hollywood Reporter about their experience at D23 and where they are doing Love at first sight a reality.
Asked about the reception they received on stage, Louis-Dreyfus called him “surrealist” while admitting that it is “odd” since they haven’t worked on the film yet.”
Louis-Dreyfus: Kind of surreal and we were thrilled to be here, of course, but we haven’t done the movie yet, so it’s kind of a weird, upside-down experience, but we were delighted.
Stan: That’s a really good point that I always forget, you’re like, it starts out really good and I hope it ends the same but it’s good that people are excited.
She and Russell also confirmed that they couldn’t answer any questions about the script or story when asked if they’d seen anything before:
Louis-Dreyfus: We cannot answer this question.
Russell: No, yes, there are a lot of questions we can’t answer. This is number one that we cannot answer.
Louis-Dreyfus, however, shared the best part of his experience at D23 in addition to being part of the Marvel family, revealing that his children “are very impressed” with what she does now as part of her job.
Val Star first knew Thunderbolts
Julia Louis-Dreyfus first made her mark on the MCU as Valentina Allegra di Fontaine in Episode 5 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldierinstantly creating the potential of a Love at first sight-story related to his arrival. It makes sense that she’d be the first to know about her future film as the leader of the on-screen team, especially since the list was likely worked on for a long time as the multiverse saga was forming.
While there are still nearly two years to go Love at first sight releases, it’s no surprise that the actors involved don’t know anything about the story yet, as filming likely won’t begin until 2023. join the fray, especially with new story threads potentially set up before the end of Phase 4 and into Phase 5.
After appearing on both Disney+ and the 2021 post-credits scene Black Widow, Val has already established herself as a key figure in the story, with Louis-Dreyfus already ahead of the game compared to at least some of her co-stars. Where she shows up next is more of a question mark, but she’ll be someone important to follow in the next two years.
Love at first sight hits theaters July 26, 2024
Sources 2/ https://thedirect.com/article/thunderbolts-cast-marvel-studios-actor The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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