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tom hardy: Actor Tom Hardy wins big! Obtained the blue belt in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament

tom hardy: Actor Tom Hardy wins big!  Obtained the blue belt in a Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament


World-renowned actor and star of The Dark Knight Rises, Tom Hardy is known to everyone as a man of many talents. These incredible talents also include combat sports. According to media reports, on September 17, Tom Hardy participated in the United Martial Arts Center Milton Keynes Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Open in the UK.

Tom Hardy Could Play Jafar in Guy Ritchie’s ‘Aladdin’

  • tom hardy

tom hardy

The project’s director, Guy Ritchie, is a big fan of the 39-year-old actor.

It is well known that Tom Hardy is a busy superstar. Despite his busy schedule, he took the time to follow his passion for other activities, such as combat sports.

Tom Hardy won his division in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament and achieved a top position with a blue belt. This belt is the second highest position out of five (white, blue, purple, brown and black).


What did Andy Leatherland (one of Tom Hardy’s opponents) say about his match with the actor?

Andy Leatherland said that when Tom Hardy was in the game he was completely professional and focused. He managed to understand and exploit Leatherland’s weaknesses and use them against him. From the moment the actor stood in line, his mind was set on one goal. Andy Leatherland went on to add that whatever intensity and shine he brings to the big screen, he brought the same in the competition.

Andy Leatherland admitted he made a few mistakes, and Tom Hardy no doubt understood that. The superstar focused on that and nailed it. He crushed his opponent without losing his resolve, and Andy Leatherland was grateful the match was over fairly quickly.

What did the Ultimate Martial Arts Championships spokesperson say about Tom Hardy’s victory?

After the tournament ended, a spokesperson for the Ultimate Martial Arts Championships came forward to talk about Tom Hardy’s performance in the matches. They mentioned that he was, no doubt, extremely popular but was very nice and humble about it. Several of his fans and viewers wanted photos with him, and he accepted without any complaints. It was their pleasure to welcome Tom Hardy into their competition.

Famous films and series by Tom Hardy:

Venom (2018)

Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Peaky Blinders (2013-2022)

The Revenant (2015)

Creation (2010)

Dunkirk (2017)

The Dark Knight (2008)

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Howling Heights (2009)

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