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Don’t miss Disney’s July 4th fireworks


Did you miss your Disney fireworks on July 4? Although the parks are not open for their big shows tonight, that doesn’t mean there will be nothing to watch. Disney is broadcasting its Disney World fireworks from a previous year (linked below), and there are other great options and fun stuff that we’ve also collected for you.

Walt Disney World fireworks on July 4

Disney posted a video of their special Magic Kingdom fireworks on July 4, 2018. It’s not live, but it will do!

Disneyland July 4th fireworks

Here’s a short excerpt from Disneyland’s 2013 “Celebrate America” ​​fireworks:

And another clip from last year:

We are missing the Disneyland All American College Band which spends the summer at Disneyland every year:

July 4, don't miss Disney Fireworks from July 4

We captured a performance last summer:

And, of course, what could be more American than the Dapper In:

Macy’s July 4th fireworks

July 4, don't miss Disney July 4th fireworks

Because of these difficult times, Macy’s cannot do its fireworks in the usual way for fear that too many people will show up. So they did something very interesting for this year. To allow New Yorkers to experience fireworks safely, without creating a crowd, the annual show has been redesigned as a series of small unexpected exhibitions in each neighborhood of New York. The approximately 5-minute shows have been recorded and will be part of tonight’s broadcast on NBC.

You can watch Macy’s fireworks and entertainment on July 4 on NBC from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET / PT or from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. CT / MT.

It’s time to do the magic of the future

Theme parks will reopen, Walt Disney World will open later this week! And whether you are ready to leave or not, there is no better time to benefit from advantageous rates on your next trips. Special return rates are now available at some of your favorite theme park hotels.

July 4, don't miss Disney July 4 fireworks

Our travel partners at Get Away Today are here to help you with your theme park plans. We know you are as unsure of the future as we are. That’s why Get Away Today offers the most flexible Disney travel options available:

Price protection – If a better special offer comes out after booking, you will get the best offer.

Peace of mind – Make hotel changes, reschedule dates, delete nights, change ticket vouchers and more, as many times as you want for a small one-time supplement.

Layout plan – Lock your Disneyland Resort 2020 or 2021 vacation for only $ 175 down payment. By booking early, you secure your availability and have the option of paying as you go. Make as many interest-free payments as you want, when you want, with the final payment due only seven days before the trip.

Give your family something to hope for:
Visit Get Away Today HERE Or fill out an application form and they will call you back: Holiday information request form HERE

Listen to you

July 4, don't miss Disney Fireworks from July 4

4th happy everyone. Missing festivities? Do you still fire your fireworks at home? Do you have good memories to share? Hear us below!

Look at all these people on Main Street. Not the kind of crowd you want to be this year.

Sharing is loving!

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