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‘Lifemark’ gives Fathom Events its best box office of 2022

‘Lifemark’ gives Fathom Events its best box office of 2022


Fathom Events serves a vital purpose in today’s movie world.

The company offers classic films, operas and titles outside of the mainstream release schedule. Want to see ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan’ in real theater over 40 years later?

Fathom Events is there for you.

The company is doing something else important. It gives voice to Christians who want to see their values ​​on the big screen.

Fathom Events performed the theatrical version of “The Chosen” last year with spectacular results. “Christmas with the Chosen: The Messengers” grossed $8 million in one weekend, the band’s biggest box office hit to date.

Last weekend, Fathom Events did it again.

The company distributed “Lifemark,” a pro-adoption, pro-life drama starring Kirk Cameron. The profitable Kendrick Brothers film was turned down by mainstream and faith-based studios.

Enter Fathom Events.

Last weekend, the movie grossed over $2.1 million from just 1,500 screens nationwide. This gave Fathom Events its biggest debut of 2022.

“Lifemark” came in third at Friday’s box office, competing with new releases like “Barbarian” and “House of Darkness.”

Fathom Events is accustomed to sharing right-wing and pro-faith content with the public. Previous “Events” include presentations by radio titan Glenn Becka special presentation ofThe case of Christ » and “The people of the church.”

Religious films have enjoyed remarkable success in recent years.

Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” shocked Hollywood in 2004, earn $370 million against all odds. Subsequent films, usually low-budget fare with lesser-known actors, achieved a similar score.

The original “God is not dead” feature generated $60 million in 2014, the launch of a profitable and continuous franchise.

The fifth film in this series, “God’s Not Dead: Rise Up”, goes into production with original star Dean Cain returning to the saga. Here is the official description:

When a front-runner incumbent suddenly suspends his candidacy for Congress, an embittered but brilliant campaign strategist is lured out of retirement and convinces Reverend Dave Hill (David AR White) to run for office. The race pits them both against formidable adversaries from their pasts, each with plans to inexorably remove the influence of religion from public policy. Against a backdrop of unprecedented political, civil, and spiritual turmoil, Dave strives to answer an increasingly pertinent question of our time: Is God dead in American politics?




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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