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Spider-Man and Star Wars VFX hero video gets Disney boss response


Disney Executive Chairman Bob Iger responds to a viral VFX video from a fan starring Spider-Man, a Star Wars Jedi and the animated hero Ben 10.

Disney Executive Chairman Bob Iger responded to a viral VFX video from a fan starring Spider-Man, Ben 10 and aStar WarsJedi. Spider-Man andStar Warshave been a major factor in Disney’s success in recent years. The Skywalker saga may have ended withStar Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, but Disney is still committed to the franchise in the future. Several films are in development, andThe Mandalorian, Star Wars‘first live series, was an instant hit on Disney +. As season 2 doesn’t start until this fall, Disney is currently focusing on additional TV shows featuringRogue One: A Star Wars StoryCassi Andor and Obi-Wan Kenobi by Ewan McGregor.

Disney doesn’t own the character of Spider-Man, but has made a lucrative deal with Sony to use the hero from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tom Holland’s take on the character was a critical and commercial success, with much praise for his easy chemistry with the Avengers. However, last year it seemed like Spider-Man’s time in the MCU was over when Sony and Disney couldn’t reach a new deal. Fortunately, things worked well, Iger even directly thanking Sony for ending the Spider-Man feud.

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This week, student Julian Bass showed love for bothStar Warsand Spider-Man, as well as Ben 10, with an impressive VFX video that has gone viral. In this document, Bass plays the three heroes with cool transitions that have caught the attention of several big Hollywood names, including James Gunn, Mark Hamill and Josh Gad. However, one of the most important responses came from Games, who responded in a timely mannerHamiltonreference after Bass mentioned that he was looking for a call from Disney. Check out Iger’s video and response below:

Bass’s video has been viewed over 20 million times at this point, proving that Iger’s attention was well deserved. TikTok, the originator of the clip, became a particularly popular platform during the quarantine of coronaviruses, with many users creating creative content on pop culture to pass the time. For example, a musician learned to playHarry pottertheme using a washing machine, while another made a facial mask that turns into the marauder’s map. The two shared their adventures on TikTok, where they were enthusiastically greeted by colleaguesHarry potterFans.

It’s unclear at this point if anything will come out of Iger’s response to Bass’s video. However, the clip clearly shows Bass’s talent, as well as his appreciation for Disney Properties. If the company does not end up collaborating with Bass to some extent, it seems likely that another will intervene quickly. All told, Bass’s creativity has clearly paid off.

More: The Mandalorian Must Avoid Falling Into The Star Wars Disneys Trap

Source: Julian Bass, Bob Iger

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