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Actor Park Min-young breaks up with a wealthy businessman

Actor Park Min-young breaks up with a wealthy businessman



Actor Park Min-young poses for the cameras during a press conference for the tvN drama series

Actor Park Min-young poses for the cameras during a press conference for tvN’s drama series “Love in Contract” on September 19. [YONHAP]

Actor Park Min-young has broken up with the wealthy entrepreneur he was dating, Park’s agency Hook Entertainment announced Thursday.

Park broke up with the man she was dating, the agency said in a statement. It is also untrue that Park received a lot of financial help from him.

Parks’ top priority is to complete filming for the [tvN] ongoing drama series Love in Contract, the statement continued. Well, try our best to make sure it doesn’t affect the process. She will continue to fulfill her responsibilities as an actor and public figure, including for her family and everyone else involved with her.

Local outlet Dispatch reported on Thursday that Park is dating Kang Jong-hyun, described as a hidden major figure in the cryptocurrency scene as he is a major shareholder in Bithumb Holdings, which runs crypto exchange Bithumb.

Dispatch also reported that Kang has ties to many companies he acquired without capital.

In response to further reports from Dispatch that Parks’ older sister is the independent director of Kospi-listed Inbiogen, a company Kang allegedly has ties to, the agency said, Parks’ older sister expressed her decision to resign as independent director.

Kang sold cellphones in 2013 and 2014 and was involved in a fraud that landed him a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence with three years probation, Dispatch added, and engaged in illegal lending in 2014. and 2015.

Park made her modeling debut in a SK Telecom commercial in 2005. She rose to fame through the historical drama series Sungkyunkwan Scandal (2010) on KBS and starred in a number of hit TV series such as City Hunter (2011) on SBS, Healer (2014-15) on KBS, Whats Wrong with Secretary Kim (2018) and Her Private Life (2019) on tvN and Forecasting Love and Weather (2022) on JTBC.

She currently stars in the tvN drama series Love in Contract, which revolves around a woman who makes money pretending to be the wife of single men who need partners.





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