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15 celebrities on the racism they faced in Hollywood

15 celebrities on the racism they faced in Hollywood


It’s no secret that racism is alive and well in Hollywood. Although we have seen pushes for diversity in recent years, we have a LONG way to go. So here are 15 celebrities who have opened up about the racism they’ve faced in their careers:

In a 2020 interview with entertainment tonightremembers Tia: “So my sister [Tamera] and I wanted to be on the cover of this very popular [teenage] reviewed at the time. We were told we couldn’t do the cover of the magazine because we were black and we wouldn’t sell.”

During a 2018 Vulture interview, the actress said she didn’t realize she had received an offer to play Eve in Kill Eve because of internalized racism. “When I received the script for Kill Eve, I remember walking around Brooklyn and being on the phone with my agent, Nancy. I was quickly scrolling through the script and can’t quite tell you what I was looking for. So, I say to myself: ‘So, Nancy, I don’t understand, what is the role?’ And Nancy says, ‘Honey, it’s Eve, it’s Eve.'”

“It’s like, how does racism define your job? Oh my God, I didn’t even assume that when I was offered something that I would be one of the main storytellers. Why? And so on. I’m talking, right? After I’ve been told to see things a certain way for decades, you realize, ‘Oh my god! They’ve brainwashed me!’ I was brainwashed so it was a revelation to me.

In a 2019 interview with Shethe actor remembers when Office was nominated for an Emmy. The Television Academy told her there were too many producers on the show, so she, the only person of color, would be dropped from the roster. In order to be included, “They made me and none of the other producers fill out a full form and write an essay about all of my contributions as a writer and producer.”

Shortly after the interview, the Academy published a statement saying, “No one has been isolated.” In response, Mindy tweeted that she was “the youngest person and woman of color”.

Respectfully, the Academies statement makes no sense. I *was* singled out. There were other Office singer-songwriters who were NOT removed from the list. Just me. The most junior person and woman of color. Easiest to reject. Just say.

Jonathan Leibson/Getty Images for Hulu/Mindy Kaling/ Twitter: @mindykaling

In 2016, the actor Told the New York Times about her first audition as a teenager. She recalled being asked to sound more Latin. “I had no idea what she was talking about. ‘You mean you want me to speak in Spanish?’ She’s like, ‘No. Do it in English but just sound more Latin.’ I didn’t really realize until later that she was asking me to speak English with a broken accent. It confused me, because I was like, ‘I’m Latino, so isn’t this what a Latino?

She also shared that her former manager didn’t even believe in her. “I had just won [a top award at Sundance]and [my manager] wanted me to audition for the chubby Latina girl in a pilot. She wasn’t even the leader; she was just the sidekick, with the same joke in every scene. I said, ‘I’m not going there for that.’ When I finally left him, he [told] another of my reps, “Someone should tell this girl she has an unrealistic idea of ​​what she can achieve in this industry.” He was someone I was paying to represent me.”

In 2020, the actor filed a complaint of discrimination against NBC and the producers of America’s Got Talent. Variety reported that Gabrielle had received “excessive marks” about her appearance, including one saying her hairstyles were “too black” for the show.

Gabrielle talked about her experience on AGT several times. During an interview with Variety, she recalled Jay Leno appearing as a guest judge and making a racist joke. “My first big interview in this industry, the first person who let me on their talk show, was Jay Leno. I always held him in high esteem, but I wasn’t prepared for his joke. I gasped. I froze. Other things had happened before, but at this point it was so racist.”

“You can’t edit what we just went through. There’s no edit button in my brain or in my soul. To experience that kind of racism at my job, and nothing can be done about it, no discipline, no company-wide email, no reminder of what’s appropriate in the workplace?” she concludes.

After news broke that the actor would be playing the male lead in boobies rich asian, he received a flurry of backlash from people saying he wasn’t “Asian enough”. He said Hustle“Just because I’m not fully Asian by blood doesn’t mean I can’t own my Asian side. And I identify with my Asian side so much more.”

In 2016, she Told The New York Times, “A white casting director was dictating what it meant to be Latin. He decided I needed an accent. He decided I should [have] darker colored skin. Guardians aren’t usually people of color, so they don’t understand that you should be looking for a lot more colors of the rainbow within that ethnicity.”

At a Women in the World 2018 fair an eventthe actor said, “I had the Oscar, I had the Emmy, I had the two Tonys, I did Broadway, I did Off-Broadway, I did TV, I’ve done movies, I’ve done all of that. I’ve got a career that’s probably comparable to Meryl Streep, Julianne Moore, Sigourney Weaver. They all came out of Yale, they came out of Juilliard , they came out of NYU They went the same way I did, and yet I’m nowhere near them, not when it comes to money, not when it comes to job opportunities, nowhere go near that.”

In 2019, the actor Told the San Francisco Chronicle, “I sometimes get criticized because people say, ‘Why don’t they give these roles to a real Indian?’ I wonder, what does this even mean? The only way I can converse with my grandparents is in Gujarati. Does that make me real enough? Or, am I only allowed to attend the moments of prejudice and racism that run through airports? Is this the only bit that I have the right to have access to culture?

In 2015, she Told the Telegraph that she hardly saw any Asian actors on screen when she was growing up. “There’s definitely still a lot of room for improvement. I’ve been lucky in my career, but yeah, there have been many times where I’ve been told my audition was canceled because they would only see white people.”

In a 2018 interview with Hustlethe actor said, “Casting directors use a program called Breakdown Services when they search for actors where they name the project, producers and director, and character descriptions for each character. And in the end, he always says, Latina. Black. Caucasian. Growing up, those lists were so specific that even if a role was a perfect fit for you, if it was written in blank, you couldn’t fit in.”

In a 2020 interview with the Sydney Morning Herald, the actress spoke about the difficulties she had to face at the start of her career. “I think I was too naive and didn’t know what was in store for me or what I was going to fight against. I had an idea when I got to LA because a friend of mine would have 10 auditions a day or a week, and I would have maybe two or three a month, so I knew it was going to be a lot more limited for me.”

In 2019, she told Variety“Everyone was willing to have me on their roster but didn’t commit to me because they didn’t realistically know how many auditions I could get. The challenge from the start was just diversity, and ‘We don’t really know what to do with you’ and ‘There won’t be much work for you.'”

After rumors spread that the actor would become the next James Bond, he faced a ton of backlash. In 2019, he told vanity lounge, “You just get discouraged when you make people say from a generational perspective, ‘That’s not possible.’ And it turns out it’s really the color of my skin And then if I get it, and it didn’t work, or it did, would it be because of the color of my skin? It’s a tough position to put myself in when I don’t need to.”

In a 2019 interview with teen voguethe actress revealed that she did not audition for boobies rich asian. “Their reasoning behind it, what they said was that my image was basically not Asian enough, in a few words. It broke my heart. I said, ‘This character is in her late-to-mid-20s, Asian-American, and I can’t even audition for that? I’ve auditioned for Caucasian roles my entire career, but this specific role, aren’t you gonna let me do it? Are you going to blame me for working all my life? ‘ I was like, ‘Where do I fit in?'”


And finally, Halle Bailey

Since the announcement that Halle would star in the upcoming live-action remake of The little Mermaid, trolls expressed their outrage on social media. After the trailer dropped earlier this month, there’s been a resurgence of backlash over a black Ariel.

During an interview with Variety, Halle shared that the backlash stung. She turned to her grandparents and listened to their stories of fighting racism and discrimination. “It was an inspiring and beautiful thing to hear their words of encouragement, telling me, ‘You don’t understand what this means to us, to our community, to all the little black and brown girls who are going to see each other in you. ‘”




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