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Has Hrithik Roshan hinted at the POSSIBILITY of a Vikram Veda sequel? : Bollywood News

Has Hrithik Roshan hinted at the POSSIBILITY of a Vikram Veda sequel?  : Bollywood News


The long-awaited movie VikramName Veda finally released yesterday, September 30th. Starring Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan, the action entertainer got off to a slow start. But the tremendous word of mouth and lack of strong competition leading up to Diwali has given the trade hope that it can excel at the box office in the long run.

Hrithik Roshan hinted at the POSSIBILITY of a Vikram Veda sequel

Has Hrithik Roshan hinted at the POSSIBILITY of a Vikram Veda sequel?

Meanwhile, there has been a lot of demand for the sequel to VikramName Veda. Day one reaction videos are full of viewers praising the film and demanding that Vikram Veda‘s second part should be done.

Interestingly, Hrithik Roshan had hinted at a possible sequel in sight during the launch of the song of ‘Alcoholism’ which took place two weeks ago in Mumbai. The event was attended by the film crew, including Hrithik, Radhika Apte, Rohit Saraf, Yogita Bihani, directorial duo Pushkar-Gayatri and others.

Radhika Apte during this event jokingly remarked that she wished if she had the chance to dance with Hrithik Roshan in the song ‘Alcoholism’. To which, Hrithik replied, “For Radhika, we should start thinking about a sequel. Vikram, Vedha, Priya (Radhika Apte’s character)… everyone will be on the same side and we can all dance to another song like ‘Alcoholism’ in part 2.”

Yogita Bihani, who plays Chanda in Vikram Vedatoo lifted with laughter as she joked,”Hand ro dungi. Simple saath dhokha hua hai. I was promised to be part of the song. I had learned Kathak for 6 months. I was like ‘Hrithik Roshan ke saath Dance karna hai. Mera footwork straight hona chahiye (Laughs)!’ Lekin mujhe nahi Dance Meat).”

Hrithik Roshan also told him, “In Part 2, (you’ll get a chance). Chanda (will be back), one way or another. We’ll find something.”

In an interview during the promotions of Vikram VedaPushkar had even said, “We have so many such stories in our mythology and folklore. I think we need to revisit this treasure, there is so much material to tell from a storytelling perspective.”

A source said bollywood hungamaVikram Veda is inspired by Vikram Betaal. It is a set of 25 stories. With the way Vikram Veda finished, it won’t be surprising if the creators think about moving the story forward.”

Also Read: Vikram Veda Wins Backing From Abu Dhabi Film Commissions; Hrithik Roshan, star of Saif Ali Khan, filmed in Abu Dhabi

More Pages: Vikram Vedha Box Office Collection, Vikram Vedha Movie Review


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