Bollywood actresses who have been spotted smoking in public, Sushmita Sen to Priyanka Chopra
Smoking is harmful to health and hence people should avoid this habit. However, despite being aware of the dangerous effects of smoking on their health, people still choose to smoke cigarettes, cigars or bedi. They turn a blind eye to the negative consequences of smoking because they don’t want to change their lifestyle. However, not just ordinary people, even Bollywood celebrities are not left out when it comes to smoking.
Over the years we have seen many celebrities like Shah Rukh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt and many more smoking in public. Well, apart from the actors, some B-city divas have also been spotted smoking in public, driving their fans crazy. The actresses were also criticized for this unhealthy habit and were brutally trolled. If you’re wondering which actresses we’re talking about, let’s take a look at the list below.
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#1. Priyanka Chopra Jonas
Global icon, Priyanka Chopra Jonas leads a luxurious life. After proving herself as an actress in Bollywood, the actress has also carved her place in Hollywood. She was married to singer-actor, Nick Jonas, and since then the couple have been living their best lives in their Los Angeles home. Priyanka and Nick are the proud parents of their baby girl, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, whom they welcomed through surrogacy.
Priyanka Chopra loves a lavish vacation and making the most of it. However, on one such vacation, Priyanka was spotted smoking a cigarette while her husband, Nick Jonas, and mother, Madhu Chopra, were seen smoking a cigar. As soon as her smoking photos went viral on the internet, Priyanka was heavily criticized for the same. For the uninitiated, once PeeCee claimed she was an asthma patient and asked people not to detonate firecrackers as it creates problems for people with respiratory diseases. However, after being spotted openly smoking, the ‘Desi Girl’ was branded a hypocrite.
#2. Sushmita Sen
Former Miss Universe, Sushmita Sen is well known for living her life on her terms. Known for breaking societal stereotypes, Sushmita never hesitates to fully accept her flaws. She had raised quite a few eyebrows when she adopted two daughters, Alisah and Renee as a single mother. However, the actress never paid attention to people’s opinions and continued to live her life as she saw fit.
Apart from everything else, Sushmita Sen has often been seen smoking in public and has been criticized for the same. The actress is known to be a heavy smoker, but she’s not shy about it. She had mentioned once that she had chosen this lifestyle by her own choice and would quit smoking whenever she wanted to.
#3. Mahira Khan
Pakistani actress, Mahira Khan has managed to engrave her name in the hearts of millions, thanks to her stunning looks and acting madness. Mahira made her Bollywood debut in the film, Raees, alongside actor Shah Rukh Khan, and proved she can easily take on the leading ladies of Bollywood. The actress often makes headlines for her lifestyle and controversial decisions.
However, not everyone knows that Mahira likes to smoke and she has often been caught on camera while smoking in public. Once, Mahira Khan and actor Ranbir Kapoor were caught smoking on the streets of New York. When the images were shared online, they spread like wildfire on social media platforms and also created a lot of controversy.
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#4. Manisha Koirala
Manisha Koirala was one of the leading actresses in Bollywood in the 90s and over the years she has starred in over 50 films. Coming from a political background, she managed to make a name for herself in Tinseltown. Manisha is the epitome of resilience and strength, and she’s braved more than meets the eye. The actress’ battle with stage IV ovarian cancer made her stronger and made her appreciate life more.
Manisha Koirala was a chain smoker in real life, but after her battle with cancer, the actress finally decided to quit. However, she was so addicted to smoking that even on her wedding day, she was clicked puffing with her friends in her wedding attire. And when the images surfaced online, it angered netizens and led them to troll the actress for smoking on the way to her wedding venue.
#5. Kapadia Dimple
A veteran actress, Dimple Kapadia needs no introduction as she ruled the big screen in the 70s and 80s. The actress was married to the late actor, Rajesh Khanna, and the couple had the lucky to have two daughters, Twinkle Khanna and Rinkle Khanna. Back in those days, when social media wasn’t important, Dimple was reportedly in a relationship with actor Sunny Deol. However, the duo never confirmed the same.
Later, in 2017, Dimple Kapadia and Sunny Deol were spotted together in London, and they could be seen sitting together, holding hands. However, what caught our attention the most was that Dimple was smoking a cigarette during his getaway with his supposed pal, Sunny. Consequently, she was trolled and brutally criticized for smoking at such an advanced age and negatively influencing her fans.
#6. Rani Mukerji
Bollywood actress, Rani Mukerji has reigned over millions of hearts for centuries. Throughout her career, nearly two and a half decades, Rani has given spectacular performances in films like Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Chalte Chalte, Paheli, Veer Zara and much more. On a personal level, Rani tied the nuptial knot with acclaimed director, Aditya Chopra, in 2014 in an intimate wedding ceremony. After a year and a half of their married life, Rani and Aditya were blessed with a baby girl whom they named Adira Chopra.
There was a time when Rani Mukerji was addicted to smoking and she had a hard time quitting. She has opened up about her addiction to tobacco and has revealed in several interviews that her family does not approve of it. However, when she tried to quit, she began to experience side effects, which made her difficult. Even his mother hid his packs of cigarettes and did not allow him to take a puff. Well, the actress was often seen smoking in public, and she was ruthlessly trolled for the same.
#seven. Konko Sen Sharma
Bollywood actress, Konkona Sen Sharma is well known for portraying quirky characters in her movies. She had found love with actor Ranvir Shorey, who married him in 2010. And it was in 2011, when they welcomed their first child, Haroon. However, their married life was not happy, so the couple decided to go their separate ways and they officially got a divorce in 2020. Since then, Konkona and Ranvir have co-parented their son, Haroon.
Konkona Sen Sharma was a heavy smoker, but she quit on her way to motherhood. Since pregnancy required a complete lifestyle change, Konkona had decided to quit smoking and drinking overnight. However, previously, the actress was seen blowing with her friends on several occasions, and she received criticism from her fans for the same.
As mentioned earlier, smoking is harmful to health. However, these actresses love to go against the grain and they have made smoking part of their lifestyle. What do you think of these divas being trolled for smoking in public? Let us know.
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Sources 2/ https://www.bollywoodshaadis.com/articles/btown-divas-who-were-caught-smoking-in-public-from-rani-mukerji-sushmita-sen-to-priyanka-chopra-35631 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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