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Former actor killed in alleged hit-and-run is considered ‘brilliant’ by show star

Former actor killed in alleged hit-and-run is considered ‘brilliant’ by show star


Lionel Allan, bottom left, was remembered by his co-star Feur Saville as being a


Lionel Allan, bottom left, was remembered by his co-star Feur Saville as a “brilliant actor”.

The man killed in an alleged hit-and-run in Auckland was remembered as a brilliant actor by his co-star and future Shortland Street actress.

Lionel Allan, 39, was a child actor and appeared in Hercules and Being Eve between 1999 and 2002, credited as Lionel Wickliffe, before eventually moving to Australia in 2005 and being deported under Regulation 501 in 2016.

Allan, who went by the nickname doeboy, was hit on The Concourse in Henderson around 8pm on September 30 and died at the scene. His family remembered him as a loving father to their two children in an obituary.

Fleur Saville, who was the main lead on Being Eve before joining Shortland Street, remembered Allan as first and foremost a gentle, kind soul.

* Man charged with hit-and-run murder of former child star can now be named
* The man who died in an alleged hit-and-run in West Auckland was a former child actor

Lionel was my friend and a brilliant actor. I can’t believe he’s gone. When I think of him, it’s with love and laughter. So many laughs.

We had so many memorable experiences together and always enjoyed such a fun set, exploring fantasy sequences and schoolyard antics,” Saville said.

Vanessa Alexander, who produced the show and cast Allan, said he was a big talent.

He didn’t like the long days on the school set, but he worked very hard to meet the demands of a professional show and loved being in the wild, crazy fantasy sequences playing roles other than Matt Te Ahi – its normal role.

He commentated on world wrestling, hosted a game show, and absolutely hated being dressed as Spice Girl.

It was full of cheeky fun and sparkle. We all think of his whnau and the tragedy of his leaving so young.


Deportees deported from Australia under its controversial 501 policy have officially launched their class action lawsuit against the Australian government.

In 2005, three years after Being Eve ended, Allan moved to Australia to be closer to his sister and escape a party lifestyle.

But after first finding work, he stumbled upon the wrong clientele. He was convicted of a number of offences, including assault and breaking and entering.

Allan successfully fought the deportation in the Australian Administrative Appeal Court and was given a second chance to stay there with his wife and children.

The following year he was sent to a detention center before being returned to New Zealand after then-immigration minister Peter Dutton overturned the decision.

Wiremy Gray, 42, appeared in Waitkere District Court on Thursday morning charged with failing to stop for injury or death following an accident and careless driving causing death .




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