Nikki Finke, go-to entertainment journalist and founder of Deadline, dies at 68
Nikki Finke, the fearsome entertainment columnist whose uncompromising style and sharp-tongued scoops have helped make Deadline, the shopping site she founded in 2006, one of America’s most essential news sources. ‘Hollywood, died Sunday morning. Without surprise, Deadline first reported the news, adding that Finke was battling a prolonged and unspecified illness.
She was 68 years old.
At her best, Nikki Finke embodied the spirit of journalism and was never afraid to speak the hard truths with an incisive style and an enigmatic spark, said Jay Penske, founder and chief executive of Penske Media Corp., which acquired Finkes’ booming site. in 2009.
She was impetuous and real. It was never easy with Nikki, but she will always be one of the most memorable people in my life.
Finke excelled at some of the world’s fiercest journalism boutiques before heading to Los Angeles, covering Moscow for The Associated Press and Washington, D.C., for Newsweek. She first set her withered gaze on the inner workings of Tinseltown in 2002, starting a column called Deadline Hollywood for THE weekly.
After buying a domain name for $14 and switching, the Long Island native has gained notoriety with her nifty exclusives, insider analysis and annual Academy Awards live-snarking. Despite its immense popularity, to the point of appearing on Forbes Listed as the World’s Most Powerful Women, the blogger was a legendary recluse who never met her sources in person and stayed away from screenings.
When Penskes, then known as Mail.com Media Corp., acquired Deadline for a low seven-figure sum in 2009, Finke signed a deal allowing her to remain the site’s editor-in-chief. But growing pains, including a shift in house style away from its characteristically acerbic as more writers were brought in, led to frequent clashes between management and Hollywood’s most feared writer, while the Los Angeles Times baptized her in 2011.
Finke jumped ship in 2013 to found NikkiFinke.com a year later. When that closed, she moved on to founding HollywoodDementia.com, a short fiction platform about the show business.
She remained committed to Deadline, however, and posted her last post on the site in 2016, around the time of the site’s 10th anniversary. I had no intention of being a troublemaker, she thought, with more than a hint of pride. Or an internet journalist who created something from scratch that put the Hollywood trades back on their heels, and today, under the ownership of Penske Media, is a website worth over $100 million of dollars.
Or, added Finke, a woman with brass balls, a fuck attitude and a ruthless hustle, who spoke hard truths about the bumps and who accurately reported the scoops first.
In 2006, MarketWatch quoted the mystery columnist as saying she wanted to be buried alongside the big screen greats at Pierce Brothers Cemetery in Westwood. On my tombstone, it might say: She told the truth about Hollywood, Finke told the outlet.
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