Death of Paco Merino, the actor who considered himself “invisible”
50 years in theatre, television and cinema have made Paco Merino one of the best-known faces of Spanish scenography
paco merinothe memorable Don Vicente from the series Count me like no to death for 91 toas reported by Union of Actors and Actresses. The actor had suffered from a degenerative disease for years, which forced him to abandon his prolific career in theatre, film and television.
50 years of career that have made him one of the faces of television in Spain. However, although his last roles are related to the small screen, paco merino, has always been linked to the world of theatre. In fact, it was his illness that forced him to give up his place in the fixed cast of the National Classical Theater Company.
He was never short of work, but paco merino he valued discretion and nothing more than his no-frills craft. “I think I’m the actor who worked the most in Spain. I have never missed work and I will not stop working as long as I can because it’s my life; but I am an invisible actor, because I don’t hang out in groups and when a photo is taken, I stand behind”, he assured a few years ago in an interview with the Efe news agency after receiving the price. Actors Union Lifetime Award.
There is no doubt that paco merino no mint After studying at the Madrid School of Drama, paco merino He began his career playing various characters in plays, many of which were filmed for Studio 1 (RTVE). He assured that of all, it was the cinema which had behaved the worst with him, even after having worked under the orders of other greats like Pilar Mir, Victor Erice, Carlos Saura, Jose Luis Garci, Fernando Colom oh Luis Garcia Berlanga.
“Whenever an actor who didn’t play the main characters dies, they say ‘secondary’. Actors aren’t protagonists, neither secondary nor secondary, actors are just that, actors. Those who are secondary or protagonists are the characters, but an actor is always an actorequally important and necessary. Bon voyage into the light, partner,” was the actress’s farewell message. Josele Rom justifying the insurmountable actor that he was Merino.
But where his face was one of the most recognized was on television as it was part of the best-known series of recent years. In fact, his last role was seven years ago as the memorable doctor Don Vicente in the legendary RTVE series. Count me how not. But before, I participated in productions like Open pharmacy, shift, Boarding, Eva and DNA, marriage agency, foster brotherscon Jean Echanove y Joseph Coronadooh Oh, sir, sir!con André Pajares. Or even play Francisco Franco himself twice, first, in the series Adolfo Surez, President and years later in the biopic The king.
Born September 11, 1931, paco merino He dropped out of school at the age of 14 to pursue the profession he loved, acting. He himself said more than once that if he hadn’t been an actor “I would have been bitter”.
“I only have primary studies, but at 14 I started reading and I didn’t stop (…) I went from reading comics to Dostoyevsky. This is what happens to us to the self-taught, we go by leaps and bounds”, he recalls.
He studied at the School of Dramatic Art in Madrid while working other jobs as a worker in a bank or in a laboratory. Until the opportunity to get on the boards presents itself. I played unforgettable roles in requiem for a sunflower, Our Natasha oh Bohemian lights, among many others. And the cinema arrived with Those of us who didn’t go to war (1960), by July Diamond.
According to the criteria of
Sources 2/ https://www.elmundo.es/cultura/teatro/2022/10/09/6342fbc0e4d4d81c608b458c.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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