Scarlett Johansson felt “hypersexualized” in Hollywood from a young age
Scarlett Johansson is coming to terms with how she was portrayed by Hollywood during her early years as an actress.
During an appearance on Dax Shepard’s Expert Armchair podcast, the Black Widow The star has opened up about feeling “over-sexualized” and “objectified” as an active actress.
“I kind of became objectified and pigeonholed in this way where I felt like I wasn’t getting job offers for things I wanted to do,” she told Shepard, according to entertainment tonight. “I remember thinking, ‘I think people think I’m 40.’ It kind of stopped being something desirable and something I was fighting against.”
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Johansson had been acting since the age of nine, having made his screen debut in the 1994 film North. One of his first breakout roles came in Sofia Coppola lost in translation, alongside Bill Murray. Although she was only 17 at the time, she was cast as a character five years older than her actual age.
“Because I think everyone thought I was older and had been [acting] For a long time I was locked into this weird hypersexualized thing. I felt like [my career] It was over,” she explained. “It was like, ‘It’s the kind of career you have, it’s the roles you’ve played.’ And I was like, ‘Is that it?'”
She added: “The track isn’t long on that. So it was scary at the time. In a weird way, I was like, ‘Is this it?’ I attributed that in large part to the fact that people thought I was much, much older than me.”
Still, the actress says she witnessed the needle move in Hollywood in the years that followed.
“Now I see younger actors in their twenties. I feel like they’re allowed to be all these different things,” Johansson said. “It’s also a different era. We’re not even really allowed to label other actors anymore, thankfully, are we? People are much more dynamic.”
Despite the progress, she wants more work to be done to create a real level playing field for all players.
“We live in a patriarchy and I feel like there is a fundamental reality of the condition of women that will always be, even if these 600 men are not necessarily as actively aggressive as they would have been a minute ago, it’s still basically there. It’s so ingrained in our culture and our society. It’s hard for me to imagine it ever being an element,” she said. I’ve come to realize that it’s important to understand progress and change when it’s really meaningful. It takes two steps forward and two steps back, then it gets better, then it gets worse. It is not finished.”
She added, “I think if you don’t make space for people to understand it, then real incremental change doesn’t really happen.”
Chelsey Sanchez is associate editor at HarpersBAZAAR.comwhere she covers pop culture, politics and social movements.
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