Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Actor Sauron Responds to Final Reveal
After a lot of speculation about their identitythe eighth and last episode of the first season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Powers revealed which cast member had been the villainous Sauron all along. After an initial mistake that Sauron was the alien (David Weyman), it was revealed later in the episode that the Dark Lord was actually Halbrand (Charlie Vickers).
Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) began to suspect that Halbrand was more than meets the eye when he showed great interest in helping Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards) forge what would become the first three Rings of Power. But when she discovered that the last king of the Southlands had died centuries before without an heir, Halbrand recognized that he was indeed Sauron and that Galadriel had helped bring his nemesis home.
In an interview with Weekly entertainmentCharlie Vickers said he didn’t initially know he was actually playing Sauron, but the documents he was given for his audition suggested he might be:
I had maybe six or seven auditions, and when I got to the end of the audition process, they gave me two monologues. They gave me a Richard III monologue at the end, when he’s standing over a body and he’s really mean. Then the other one was from Paradise Lost, Milton’s poem, and it was literally Satan. So I had an idea when I was doing these speeches that the character had kind of a dark arc.
It wasn’t until the filming of the third episode of the first season that the producers informed Vickers that he was indeed playing Sauron. This secret was kept from most of the cast and crew, with the exception of Vickers’ stage partner, Morfydd Clark, as late in production as possible.
Vickers told EW that he absorbed as much JRR Tolkiens source material as he could in preparation for the role, reading all additional books and materials, including author’s notes, including one in which the author has revealed that, although the embodiment of evil, Sauron repented of his actions in the First Age.
Whether or not you consider this repentance to be genuine, it completely colors his actions in the season. You can look back at his actions, and they can be real repentance and it all makes sense. But if you think of it as manipulating everything and using Galadriel to bring it back, Vickers said. Of course, there are coincidences that happen along the way, which play into his hands. But he is able to manipulate people. I have a clear answer as to what worked best for me, but I like to leave it a bit ambiguous for the audience as it creates an interesting discussion. It’s cool to look back and let the interpretation be, I think.
Vickers is the first actor to play Sauron as a human, and he compared Sauron’s ability to shapeshift and completely immerse himself in being a human in order to accomplish his agenda as being like a comedian, watching jokingly, he’s like the tallest in the world. method actor. He’s like Daniel Day-Lewis.
The first season ends with Sauron reaching Mordor. Vickers told Variety in a separate interview that Sauron has a plan. Returning to Mordor is the first step in this plan. I won’t spoil it, but it doesn’t take long to find out in the second season. We find out pretty quickly. He definitely has a plan, and that’s where it starts, with those first steps down. I started filming; were well advanced in the second season. I’ve read a few scripts and I’m very immersed in that world now.
While Halbrands’ journey may now be over, Saurons has just begun
What did you think of Sauron’s reveal at the end of Season 1? Let us know in the comments.
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