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Bollywood News – RIP Sushant Singh Rajput: Amit Sadh finally opens on the loss of his costar; says, “Now when I think of Kai Po Che, a tear will always fall” [Exclusive]


So far, Amit Sadh has refrained from saying a word about his costar Kai Po Che, the tragic suicide of Sushant Singh Rajput at the age of 34. Continuous attempts by Bollywood news agencies to get in touch with the actor were avoided, no doubt a result of the grief he experienced, as the two were very well known on the set of their film. In addition, anyone who has interacted with Amit knows that he is an emotional soul, unable to let go of attachments once formed. Graciously, he finally let down his guard in an exclusive interview with BollywoodLife for Breathe: Into the Shadows, revealing how he will remember Kai Po Che with mixed emotions now, how he will never forget his costar and how he was injured by what people have said. Read also – Shakuntala Devi: the star of Vidya Balan-Sanya Malhotra-Amit Sadh will be released on THIS date

Opening on the memory of the work with Sushant Singh Rajput, Amit Sadh said: “There are two things I want to say. First of all, Kai Po Che is a very special film for me. Earlier, every time that I thought about the movie, it would make me smile, bring back happy memories. Now when I think about Kai Po Che, a tear will always fall. Second, I just want to remember my co-actor, Sushant, for the great job he did, and that will keep him alive in my memory, in my life, he will never be forgotten (voice chokes slightly), not for me. ” Read also – Return Thursday: when Abhishek Bachchan feared that Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty would replace him at Bol Bachchan

Amit explained how difficult it was to remain silent for so long, Amit added: “Yes, there were a lot of people calling and loving, really harassing, and to be honest, that added more anger, like to think, why people but I think the best thing I have learned in life is dignity and silence, and I just said it, with great harm of course, when I saw a lot of people say hurtful things and stupid things and (pause), but that’s how life is you know, and you have to see through it all. I mean, unfortunately, we have to see through it all . ” Read also – Trending Entertainment News Today: Why SRK Rejected Slumdog Millionaire, Breathe 2 trailer

Amit Sadh will then be seen in the highly anticipated web series, Breathe: Into the Shadows, where he resumes his role as officer of the Mumbai Police Division Kabir Sawant, alongside new additions to the cast, Abhishek Bacchan, Nithya Menen and Saiyami Kher. The twelve episodes of the show will air on July 10.

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