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Vikrant Massey on “Bollywood nepotism”; says “I don’t regret being a stranger”


Vikrant Massey, who started his career as a television actor, recently shared his opinion on nepotism in Bollywood. In an interview with PTI, the actor said that while doing television, he was aware of nepotism and even the people around him were talking about it. He went on to know that it would take more than 10 years to recover in the movies.

Vikrant Massey added that he was ready to do it because he knew he had something unique about him that would be recognized by the filmmakers. Speaking of nepotism, he said that it is a paradoxical situation today, nepotism is part of the industry but ultimately survival is due to talent. He said he started television at the age of 17. Vikrant Massey continued to compromise his university attendance and even opted for distance education because he wanted to make money. He further stated that after working on television for 10 years, he felt he had made a lot of money and it was time for him to quit television.

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“No matter how influential a person or someone’s son or nephew is, you will only survive if you deliver. Because of all this structure, my goal has always been to provide my best performance, ”added the actor. Vikrant Massey mentioned that he feels good when someone says that a particular script has been written for him and that the manufacturer wants to work with him, which means that he is doing something good. He added that he does not regret not being an insider.

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Talking about his career, Vikrant Massey said that the kind of movies he’s getting right now makes him feel good about being part of such incredible movies. He continued to think that he hadn’t even started doing the kind of work he wanted to do. He constantly wants to perform well and build confidence, added Vikrant.

Work side

Vikrant Massey was last seen in the film Chhapaak. It was presented alongside Deepika Padukone. The actor would then be seen in a family drama Ramprasad Ki Tehrvi. Vikrant will also star in a science fiction film Cargo and satire comedy Dolly Kitty aur Woh Chamakte Sitare. It should also appear in Ginny Weds Sunny and Haseen Dillruba.

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