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Tom Meighan: singer Kasabian resigns due to ‘personal problems’




The group headlined Glastonbury and T In The Park

Kasabian star Tom Meighan leaves the group after 23 years.

The singer behind hits like Fire, LSF and Empire leaves “by mutual consent,” the group said in a statement.

“Tom has had personal issues that have affected his behavior for some time,” they said.

The 39-year-old “now wants to focus all his energies to get his life back on track,” added the Leicester group, before concluding: “We will not comment anymore.”

Meighan was one of the founding members of the group in 1997 alongside the guitarist Serge Pizzorno, named after Linda Kasabian, member of the cult of Charles Manson.

They became one of the biggest English rock bands, five of their six albums becoming number one. They were the head of the Glastonbury Festival in 2014 and won the award for best British group at the 2010 Brit Awards.

Last month, the group was scheduled to play Solstice II – a huge return concert at Leicester Park Victoria – which was postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Meighan opened up on his sanity in 2017, saying that he had gone through a difficult period after his separation from his partner Kim James, with whom he had a daughter, and the death of a close friend.

“Basically my life has changed. I am alone. Because I got lost”, he said to Q Magazine.

“I had to sort my head. My attitude. Stuff I was doing. People I associate with. No bad people. I was the one who was bad.”

He added, “I was making myself sick, I would not lie, my mind was shaken. I was not taking responsibility and it affected everyone around me, horrible.”

Doing Kasabian’s next album for Crying Out Loud “probably saved my life”, Meighan then admitted to NME.

“It was just an escape for Tom,” This is my band and these songs are exciting “,” said his band mate Pizzorno. “Being in the studio made him realize the good things that were going on.”

Just a few weeks ago, Meighan said that work had started on Kasabian’s seventh album.

“We need a seventh baby,” he told Sky News. “We will try to make a new record as soon as possible but there is really nothing we can do as long as we are limited.”

This interview suggests that Meighan’s departure from the group was relatively brutal. There is no indication whether they will continue to play in three games or whether they will hire a new leader.

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