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Venice Film Festival to reduce official selection during pandemic



03:20 PDT 7/7/2020


Georg Szalai

The 77th edition “will give up organizing the Sconfini section” and the Venice Classics section will move to Bologna.

Organizers of the Venice Film Festival said Tuesday that this year’s edition will include a reduced official selection and “will present certain changes, which have become necessary due to the health protocols imposed by the COVID-19 emergency”.

To comply with the measures required by the pandemic, first and foremost social distancing, “the overall number of films in the Official Selection will be lower, but not by much,” they said.

This year’s program will include the competitive sections Venezia 77 and Orizzonti, as well as the usual out-of-competition section, as well as the Biennale College Cinema.

But the 77th edition of the Venice festival will not have a Sconfini section “with the aim of guaranteeing the greatest possible number of places for film revivals in the main sections”. The Sconfini program generally includes art and genre films, works and television series and multimedia productions.

In addition, the Venice Classics section will not be part of the festival, but will be hosted as part of the Il Cinema Ritrovato festival, a showcase of restored films which will run from August 25 to August 30. 31 in Bologna. “This collaboration between the two festivals offers an unprecedented solution to an exceptional situation,” explained the organizers.

Venice has revealed that it will set up two outdoor arenas for this year’s edition in addition to the usual cinemas. “The screenings will take place in theaters where they traditionally take place on the Lido, adopting all the security measures established by the competent authorities for the health emergency and in force on the date of the event,” said the festival. . “The Venice virtual reality contest, by contrast, will be fully webcast.”

The artistic director of Venice, Alberto Barbera, said: “I am extremely happy that the Cinema Biennial can be held with a minimum reduction of films and sections. Not to mention the countless victims of the past few months to whom we will pay tribute, the first international festival following the forced interruption dictated by the pandemic becomes the significant celebration of the reopening that we have all been impatiently awaiting, and a message of concrete optimism for the whole world of cinema which has suffered greatly from this crisis. ”

He added: “The official selection of Venezia 77, with its 50 to 55 films from around the world, will offer its traditional glimpse of the best that the film industry has produced in recent months, thanks to the extraordinary response of directors and producers, despite the harsh working conditions of recent months, a significant number of directors and actors will accompany the films at the Lido, while Internet connections will allow press conferences to be held with all those who will not be able to participate in person in because of the travel restrictions that remain in place. “

The festival will unveil its program on July 28. The 77th edition of the festival will take place from September 2 to September 7. 12.

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