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INTERVIEW | The actor Napoleon on his first Hollywood film “ Devils Night: Dawn of the Nain Rouge ”


Express News Service

The actor Napoleon, who has worked on films of the southern language, adds another feather to his cap, with his Hollywood debut, Devil’s Night: Dawn of the Nain Rouge, all ready to be published on an OTT platform. “I know the producer of the film, Tel K Ganesan, who comes from a village just four kilometers from mine. It was a surprise when he wanted to produce a Hollywood film and I was even more surprised when he wanted me to be part of it, “explains Napolean, as he joined Tel via video call to have this conversation. ..

Excerpts from the conversation:

What is it like making your Hollywood debut?
Napoleon: It’s a different experience. I play a museum curator in the film and it’s a role unlike anything I’ve done in our films before. It was only after accepting the film that I realized that the film was going to be made with live sound. I had a hard time being part of the films in Telugu and Malayalam, but at least there I was able to correct the errors during dubbing. Here, there was no question either of bringing dubbing artists. I had to write my lines and practice pronouncing the words correctly. I joked, ‘Naane butler English vechu ottitrukken’, but Tel convinced me. Fortunately, the character is of Indian descent, so I didn’t have to get the American accent perfectly.

Nain Rouge is the name of a famous urban legend in Detroit. Is this film based on that?
Tel K Ganesan: Yes, it is a mythical creature known in the Detroit area, in Michigan, and the film is based on the legend behind. A series of murders occurs and when the police cannot decipher the events, they turn to a museum curator played by Napoleon.

Napoleon, how does the technology used in a Hollywood film compare to what we have here?
Napoleon: Hollywood has leaps forward. For our films, we would need more than 100 people to shoot a scene, but here the number is just around 15-20 which means that each person is responsible for more responsibilities. Even from an artist’s point of view, unlike here where we would each have a driver, a manager and others, here we did not have such freedom. This helps them reduce production costs, but of course, due to the exchange rate, it still seems a lot to us.

Part of the curiosity of your Hollywood beginnings was linked to the number of rural characters that you played here …
From my first film, Pudhu Nellu Pudhu Naathu, in Seevalaperi Pandi in which I became a hero, I was mainly part of rural films. Ore oru color satta, ettu muzham veshti, kodu potta pattapatti, kaila aruva… When I was in a hurry to shoot in different places, they told me that a farm and a motor pump group would do the trick. In fact, when director Saran told me that my character would be wearing a costume at Vattaram, I immediately said yes without even hearing the story. I wanted to wear a costume in a movie.

We learn that you have more Hollywood outings lined up?
: I have back to back English films produced by Tel Ganesan. I am also part of this film called Christmas Coupon, and in another film called Trap City, I play the bodyguard of the main character played by Brandon T. Jackson (of the fame of Percy Jackson and BoJack Horseman). I think I’ve got the hang of it now (smiles). In Tamil, I am part of the Sultan of Karthi led by the director of Remo, Bakkiyaraj Kannan.

What do you think of the release of this film on an OTT platform?
Tel K Ganesan:
We wanted to watch it and have the Indian audience too, watch it in cinemas, but based on the current situation, OTT seems to be the best option. Right now, the movie is on Amazon Prime Video in the U.S. and Canada, and we are in talks about the release in India.

Napoleon, do you know that some of your famous cinematographic contributions, like the song, Panju Mittai Sella Katti, or your role in Pokkiri, have become fodder for memes?
My family and friends send me such memes. I find that some of them are extremely funny. I am happy that the people of my country still remember me.

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