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Zubeen Garg’s Bollywood Hits You Must Listen To At Least Once

Zubeen Garg’s Bollywood Hits You Must Listen To At Least Once


  1. Ya Ali

Ya Ali is undoubtedly Zubeen Garg’s best Bollywood song from the movie Gangster. This song comes during a very serious scene in the movie, and it just adds more drama to the whole story. This song also spawned a pan-Indian fanbase for the singer.

  1. Hello

Subah Subah is a happy song from the Bollywood movie “I See You”, where you see actor Arjun Rampal getting ready and going somewhere, vibrating to this song in his own way.

  1. Dilruba

Dilruba is a song from the Bollywood film starring Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif titled “Namastey London”. It’s a club song where you see Katrina Kaif and her friends dancing to this catchy tune.

  1. Jag Lal Lal Lal Lal

Jag Lal Lal Lal Lal has his own fan base. This is from the movie “Big Brother”, and the song was a huge hit when it was released.

  1. Dil tu hi bataa

Zubeen Garg sang “Dil Tu Hi Bata” with Alisha Chenoy, and it was a highlight of the movie. The semi-human character played by Kangana Ranaut fell in love with Krish, and this song was representative of his infatuation.

  1. Woh Bheege Pal

Zubeen Garg’s song “Woh Bheege Pal” is from an Abhay Deol movie titled “Manorama Six Feet Under” released in 2007. This moving song is a hidden gem, which many people may or may not know.

  1. Hum Kisi ki Chah Me

Hum Kisi ki Chah Me is a sad song from the movie “Kabhi Kabhi Life Mein”. It’s quite significant, and you have to hear it for once.

  1. Ab Mujhko Jeena

Ab Mujhko Jeena is a song about hope in all kinds of situations. It’s from John Abraham’s starring movie called “Aashayein”.

  1. Dheere Dheere Chal

There was a film by Shreyas Talpade called “Bombay to Bangkok”, which came out in 2008. It’s a sweet song about life and how slowing down to enjoy the moment makes things more beautiful.

  1. About

If you want to listen to a unique and unexpected song, you must definitely listen to Zubeen Garg’s song called ‘Om’ from the movie ‘Strings’. He himself appears in the music video for this song. It was also a big hit.

  1. Know what

We would like to end this list today with this Zubeen Garg song from the Bollywood movie titled “Pyaar Ke Side Effects”. It’s a sweet and soulful ballad, and you’ll hear his signature singing style in this song. He is totally in his element and people have been admiring this song a lot.




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